This section is to discuss forum related matters. Per guidelines, disciplinary actions taken against member(s) past and present will not be discussed.
We understand some discussion may become heated, but all we ask is that you remain civil at all times. This forum is meant to give you, the member, an outlet to discuss how we can improve the forum in many different ways. Therefore, it is to be used to come up with solutions - not cause more problems!
Moderators:FECC-Moderator, Moderator5, Moderator3, Site Mechanic
Despite having 'Remember Me' checked and my browser set to not delete cookies etc. every time I close the browser the site logs me out and never remembers me. Anything I'm doing wrong?
As weird as this may sound you may still have the old non-ssl cookie in your cache. Scroll down and click the delete forum cookies icon/link. You may also have this happen if you aren't using the secure https version of the forum. Let me know.
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Last edited by fecc-mechanic on Mon Jan 20, 2020 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
As weird as this may sound you may still have the old non-ssl cookie in your cache. Scroll down and click the delete forum cookies icon/link. You may also have this happen if you aren't using the secure https version of the forum. Let me know.
Hello and thank you! All good now!
Well, Good evenin', don't that sun look good goin' down...
As weird as this may sound you may still have the old non-ssl cookie in your cache. Scroll down and click the delete forum cookies icon/link. You may also have this happen if you aren't using the secure https version of the forum. Let me know.
Hello and thank you! All good now!
How do I view the secure http version, as it's now forgetting my preferences again...
Well, Good evenin', don't that sun look good goin' down...
As weird as this may sound you may still have the old non-ssl cookie in your cache. Scroll down and click the delete forum cookies icon/link. You may also have this happen if you aren't using the secure https version of the forum. Let me know.
Hello and thank you! All good now!
How do I view the secure http version, as it's now forgetting my preferences again...
And scroll to the bottom and click "delete cookies".
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
As weird as this may sound you may still have the old non-ssl cookie in your cache. Scroll down and click the delete forum cookies icon/link. You may also have this happen if you aren't using the secure https version of the forum. Let me know.
Hello and thank you! All good now!
How do I view the secure http version, as it's now forgetting my preferences again...
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
Hi @Alan_K
The server had just come back up after a routine reboot during that time. Once rebooted, it takes about 5-15 minutes for the load to equalize.
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
When trying to search for my posts it says "Sorry, search could not be performed. More information about this failure has been logged in the error log."
Also a few minutes ago it took me quite some time to edit and send a message. The physical memory on my computer went up to 57% and I feared everything would break down or freeze and my message would be gone. Luckily enough this wasn't the case.
Thanks, Jordan!
When the evening shadows fall
And you're wondering who to call
For a little company
There's always me
When trying to search for my posts it says "Sorry, search could not be performed. More information about this failure has been logged in the error log."
Also a few minutes ago it took me quite some time to edit and send a message. The physical memory on my computer went up to 57% and I feared everything would break down or freeze and my message would be gone. Luckily enough this wasn't the case.
Thanks, Jordan!
Weirdness all around. The custom search process I implemented when we initially upgraded decided on its own that it wouldn't accept connections.....From anyone.... That has been fixed.
As for the second issue, not seeing any spikes in the server CPU(s) at that time to account for the behavior you describe. I always end up with the haunted servers. Never fails
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
When trying to search for my posts it says "Sorry, search could not be performed. More information about this failure has been logged in the error log."
Also a few minutes ago it took me quite some time to edit and send a message. The physical memory on my computer went up to 57% and I feared everything would break down or freeze and my message would be gone. Luckily enough this wasn't the case.
Thanks, Jordan!
Weirdness all around. The custom search process I implemented when we initially upgraded decided on its own that it wouldn't accept connections.....From anyone.... That has been fixed.
As for the second issue, not seeing any spikes in the server CPU(s) at that time to account for the behavior you describe. I always end up with the haunted servers. Never fails
Thanks a lot. The 2nd issue might have simply been my internet browser
When the evening shadows fall
And you're wondering who to call
For a little company
There's always me
The update that would let us utilize Php 8.1/8.2 on the forums, vastly speeding it up, as well as some new features, and some "under the hood" improvements has been postponed d/t high incoming traffic to the site.
But within a week we (knock on wood) should be enjoying the benefits of the update.
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
From '19: The core of the upgrade has been installed. There are still some things I have to tweak here and there. But otherwise, everything appears to be working as it should! If you have any requests or support issues, please post here.
Thank you, everyone, for your patience!
CURRENT A/O 11/20/23
We will be upgrading both the software and the servers by 11/28/23. This is your space to make requests, or log support issues along the way. New FECC server stats/config will be added as soon as possible.
Centos 6/7/8, the server Operating System we have used since the start back (officially) in '03 is being retired, so we will be converting to another, similar Linux platform. You will not notice anything but faster loading speeds. More space. And.. Again this is were you make your voice heard about what you expect to see as far as feature upgrades. While not all are possible, as you've seen in the past MANY have been. So don't be shy!
fecc-mechanic wrote: 11/21/23
The new servers have been acquired, with more than double the space (on NVME drives this time!!) of the prior giant servers, better performing processor, and more!!
fecc-mechanic wrote: 11/23/23
All things are moving smoothly with "mega server project 24". The most time is spent securing and preparing the new servers. THEN comes moving the sites, which have been backed up in a rolling 30min/1hr cycle to the "cloud" for more than a month now. ElviCities has your back!
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
All things are moving smoothly with "mega server project 24". The most time is spent securing and preparing the new servers. THEN comes moving the sites, which have been backed up in a rolling 30min/1hr cycle to the "cloud" for more than a month now. ElviCities has your back!
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
And we are back.. As always, any bug reports here please!
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
Things I am aware of: 1.) The search is borked.fixed 2.) Issue with persistent logouts (priority)
3.) Servers need more optimization. (working on it)
Thank you all for being so patient! We are locked in until almost 2026. So No worries about any of the sites going away!
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
Anyone else having problems staying logged in? Every couple of posts I click on boots me and I have to log back in.
You've finally found a way to toss me out, haven't you?
The United States of America have had
forty-seven Presidents, but only ONE King! Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.
You're a beautiful audience.
Anyone else having problems staying logged in? Every couple of posts I click on boots me and I have to log back in.
You've finally found a way to toss me out, haven't you?
Good morning Rob!
With it being a new server. A new board cookie has been installed. To clear the old one from your browser(s) scroll all the way down to the bottom right and you'll see a garbage can icon. Click that (you may need to do it a couple times) and you should be good to go! If that doesn't work, your browser may still be holding onto the old one for ol' times sake --- in that case go in your settings and clear your cookies and cache. How's the Maxwell House tasting?
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
Things I am aware of: 1.) The search is borked.fixed 2.) Issue with persistent logouts -----> I have resolved this.
3.) Servers need more optimization. (working on it)
4.) ??? Don't be afraid to speak up.
All the best from Memphis,
Jordan Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at
fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt
Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!
The two main bugs were that the Quick Links weren't working but I guessed they soon would be - and they are now.
Log in page pops up but CTRL + F5 should fix that - I'll now try.
Edit - it worked but I was taken aback by the layout change only to realise that I wasn't logged in. (Layout was retained when logged out before but that's due to other cookies not just the log in one).
Logged in and now no issues. - A chronological profile of the most influential artist of the latter half of the 20th century, Elvis Presley.