Lennart wrote:Since you wondered why nobody voted for "Just a little bit" I just did, Björn.
If someone else had voted for it, I would probably have voted for either "For Ol´times sake" or "Raised on rock".
The question is, who voted for "Girl of mine"?
To each his own but in my opinion, it´s one of Elvis worst songs of the 70:s
Thank you Lennart!!!
Talking about "Girl of mine": I prefer all tracks (except Confidence and Who needs money) on the Clambake soundtrack !!!
This must have been one of the most convincing victorys yet. 15 votes for "For ol´times sake" was not surprising, but it was very surprisning that "Girl of mine" got any votes at all.
Other then Girl Of Mine I have always liked these songs. I never really heard too many of the flaws people seem to hear. I like the general laid back bluesy vocals. He doesn't attack the songs. it's a different feel, kind of funky. It's got a real seventies soul feel different then other Elvis albums. The Stax sound was in eviident and welcome. This and Now are collections I always liked a lot that are generally sneered at. Oh well I enjoy them so it doesn't really matter.