... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by JimmyCool »

luckyjackson1 wrote:"Guitar Man" is the regular faded version, but it sounds flawless, speed is corrected compared to the 60's Box.
Yeah, I always thought it ran too fast on the '60s box...
luckyjackson1 wrote:The error on the intro of “Fools Fall In Love” has been corrected.
What was that error, Lucky? :shock:

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by billyblues »

JimmyCool wrote:
luckyjackson1 wrote:The error on the intro of “Fools Fall In Love” has been corrected.
What was that error, Lucky? :shock:
I'm also curious!

Thank you, Blue River. Thank you, rjm. Thank you, Ken.

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by luckyjackson1 »

MysteryTrain wrote:I'm enjoying your comments on the individual tracks. I know it would be subjective, but I have often wished someone would state where the best quality source is for every Elvis' master. While most can now be found on Complete Elvis Presley Masters, there will still be a few instances where another source will be better.
Thank you, MT. You're absolutely right.
Actually me and a friend of mine started this list (including remarks) years back but somehow never found the time again to continue with that. Of course, it's obsolete now. :(
Jimmy Cool wrote:What was that error, Lucky? :shock:
Jimmy and billyblues, I'm talking about the 60's Box now. If you listen closely on the intro to "Fools Fall In Love" (right on the beginning), there's some very short, strange noise that sounds like a mastering error. Can please anybody confirm this before I think I'm wrong and go insane? :wink:
Nah, just checked it. It's there.
Last edited by luckyjackson1 on Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by luckyjackson1 »

Mike C wrote:Did anyone notice a slight pop or dropout about 4-5 seconds into "Golden Coins"? This could be where the original splice occurred.
Mike, it's there. After four seconds. But I'm not sure if it had been spliced there. Could be a tape drop-out.

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Mike C »

luckyjackson1 wrote:
Mike C wrote:Did anyone notice a slight pop or dropout about 4-5 seconds into "Golden Coins"? This could be where the original splice occurred.
Mike, it's there. After four seconds. But I'm not sure if it had been spliced there. Could be a tape drop-out.
Okay, thanks for confirming. It is something that jumped out of at me when I listened to the disc. Porbbaly tape drop out. I'll have to check my Harum Scarum FTD to see if it is also there.

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by frus75 »

LuckyJackson, thanks so much for your time an for the careful analysis. Movin' into the 70's, is there anything special? For example how It's Easy For You sounds? Did they use any remix (like the remixed Love Me Love Te Life I Lead and Padre that appeared on ftd)?


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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ... CONTINUED...

Post by luckyjackson1 »

Ivan, you were a few minutes earlier than me. :)

All right, here we go again with a few observations (some are just statements, not necessarily meant to be positive or negative, rather neutral):

The “On Stage” album has the original mix (including screams on “Polk Salad Annie” etc.)

“Little Cabin On The Hill” has a different intro (the first few bars). Sounds a little odd to me.

"Bridge Over Troubled Water" has the overdubbed applause on the end.

“Faded Love” is the unedited master.

“I Washed My Hands In Muddy Water” is the (nearly complete) unedited master.

The right channel on "Where Did They Go, Lord" sounds kinda dull.

“Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” sounds strange to my ears - I don’t know how to describe this but I get the feelin’ of a constant “bright- and dullness" (also again on the right channel)...

Unfortunately, a big minus: The intro of "Rags To Riches" is f***ed up again... this time even worse than before. The right channel again sounds kinda dull to me here. I think the best version is still the one found on the german CD "The Collection, Vol. 4" (not sure right now if it's the same as found on "Elvis Aaron Presley", aka the "Silver Box).

"Padre" is most likely the so-called "Original Alternate Mix" they used on the recent "FOOL"-FTD and on the Franklin Mint Set.

“Merry Christmas, Baby” has a digital error (or whatever it is) audible at 0:05 - didn’t hear such thing since an old CD back in the 90’s…

“My Way” again has the bad sounding echo on Elvis’ voice like on its first release on the 70’s Box. So it clearly sounds better on the new “FOOL”-FTD (that means: buy it!). Again this raises the question if L.R. is responsible for all 103 “rarities”…

The sound quality on "I'll Be Home On Christmas Day" (remake) is nowhere nearly as good as on the masters released during Elvis' lifetime, what probably confirms my fears regarding the "rarities".

“Where Do I Go From Here” has the last faded note on 2:36.

Haven't checked out, what mix of "Fool" they used here... :wink:

It seems that the speed on the MSG has been corrected, as it sounds fine with me. This has been mentioned zillion times before but let me remark once more that this show needs a remixing desperately. Nevertheless it never sounded better than here. And unlike on the 90’s CD, the strange error (repeated snippet) on “The Impossible Dream” is gone again, thank god!

“Aloha From Hawaii” sounds rather dull to me, otherwise quite powerful.

I think they used some no-noise on the Aloha bonus tracks for they contained some really bad hiss. Compared to the recent "FOOL"-FTD they sound about the same.

Now we know how the masters on the (someday) upcoming “Promised Land”-FTD will sound like: wonderful, glorious! Never heard a better quality of these December ’73 recordings.
Update: A sad note: The intro of "Promised Land" is cut. Never heard such a bad job on that intro before. Another big minus! I hope this is going to be corrected on the FTD for that album.

Probably the most important detection: "My Boy" is thank god the version with the spliced ending, therefore it's the longest running take available!!! :mrgreen:

I must say I prefer the vintage mix of the original “Live On Stage In Memphis” album better than on the recent FTD, except for the fake applause, of course. Once more, please! But here the overall sound is quite satisfying (although I recall that I listened to a better sounding CD in the past, probably the 24-bit version).

The whole “Today” album sounds marvelous, better than on all previous releases (except for probably the original vinyl LP which I haven’t heard).
Even Elvis' voice on "Bringing It Back" sounds pretty decent now.

The jam of “Tiger Man” is faded very quickly. Sounds like the same mix as on the 70’s Box and/or the “Today”-FTD (dunno for sure if they were equal).

Elvis’ voice on “It’s Easy For You” sounds more natural now. Beatiful! The keyboards sound a little disturbing because they are way too upfront for my taste.

The dog barking on the very end of “Way Down” is back again!

CONCLUSION: Some minor lapses can’t really reduce the joy to listen to these new remasters (I'm still talking about Discs 1 - 27). It’s simply a pleasure and enormous achievement. Well done, guys! I won’t say it doesn’t get any better, for there’s always a way and it’s not the end of the road. It’s an ongoing work, going on and on and on and on…

Thanks for reading. Any thoughtful comments, encouragements and corrections are very welcome. Even criticism. :D


Kind regards,
luckyjackson1 :smt006


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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Good Time Charlie »

I've found some of these remasters absolutely glorious. Many I've heard for the first time as I've never owned a lot of the original mixes so to speak. But I too noticed the clipped into on "Promised Land" today. Such a shame considering it is one song you know you will revisit often. Aside from the odd little indiscrepancy, and I expected there to be some as simply on a project this vast you simply have to allow for the odd human error (well I do anyway), the overall quality of production, presentation, design and sound quality is fantastic. The only slight gripe I have is although I think the design of how the CD's are housed is absolute faboulous and is surprisingly practical, the actual way you slip the CD's in and out of the cardboard sleeve is worrying. Surely they could've affixed some sort of soft-material insert, maybe like a static plastic inner sleeve?

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ... CONTINUED...

Post by Matthew »

luckyjackson1 wrote:“Little Cabin On The Hill” has a different intro (the first few bars). Sounds a little odd to me.
Is it the 70s box mix? If so the most telling aspect of that mix is no James Burton at all vs. the album mix.
luckyjackson1 wrote:The right channel on "Where Did They Go, Lord" sounds kinda dull.
Is this the 70s box mix, or the newer mix featured on the "Elvis Country" FTD?
luckyjackson1 wrote:“Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” sounds strange to my ears - I don’t know how to describe this but I get the feelin’ of a constant “bright- and dullness" (also again on the right channel)...
Again, is this the 70s box mix?
luckyjackson1 wrote:Unfortunately, a big minus: The intro of "Rags To Riches" is f***ed up again... this time even worse than before.
What do you mean by "even worse"? The piano intro is complete on the "Love Letters from Elvis" FTD.
luckyjackson1 wrote:"Padre" is most likely the so-called "Original Alternate Mix" they used on the recent "FOOL"-FTD and on the Franklin Mint Set.
Most likely?
luckyjackson1 wrote:“Merry Christmas, Baby” has a digital error (or whatever it is) audible at 0:05 - didn’t hear such thing since an old CD back in the 90’s…
What do you mean by 'digital error'?
luckyjackson1 wrote:It seems that the speed on the MSG has been corrected, as it sounds fine with me.
There has never been anything wrong with the speed of the MSG album. This has been discussed here numerous times.
luckyjackson1 wrote:Update: A sad note: The intro of "Promised Land" is cut. Never heard such a bad job on that intro before. Another big minus! I hope this is going to be corrected on the FTD for that album.
As in missing the first cow-bell strike as reported by elvissessions re. the Mint set? The strike is present on "Elvis 75".
luckyjackson1 wrote:Probably the most important detection: "My Boy" is thank god the version with the spliced ending, therefore it's the longest running take available!!!
What do you mean? The master has always had the spliced ending.
luckyjackson1 wrote:The jam of “Tiger Man” is faded very quickly. Sounds like the same mix as on the 70’s Box and/or the “Today”-FTD (dunno for sure if they were equal).
Sounds like the same thing I observed on the FTD. The "Tiger Man" jam ending is edited over the intro notes of "I Can Help" on the 70s box. If you listen there you can hear the natural decay of the final crash cymbal strike fade away as the first notes of "I Can Help" begin. Since on the FTD it appears they simply used the 70s Box CD as a source a quick fade was the only thing to do. It is unfortunate to read that this still is the case here on "Complete Elvis"

Keep 'em coming - although I should note that elvissessions "Mint vs. Complete Masters" thread was specifically designed for these sorts of observations.


Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Claus »

Thanks for posting.

I don't think the Aloha bonus tracks are no noised because there's plenty of hiss. It's probably just the way that they were recorded.

Does I'll Be Home On Christmas Day (Remake) sound better or worse than the Memories Of Christmas cd?

Was My Way remixed again for the Fool FTD?


Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Matthew »

Claus wrote:Was My Way remixed again for the Fool FTD?
Yes - it is presented on the outtakes disc after the earlier takes. It sounds better overall.


Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Claus »

Thanks. I haven't listened to the second disc very closely, I guess.

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Walter Hale 4 »

quote Luckyjackson - "Update: A sad note: The intro of "Promised Land" is cut. Never heard such a bad job on that intro before. Another big minus! I hope this is going to be corrected on the FTD for that album".

How inexcusable. FFS Who remastered it ?!?


Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Rob »

Robt wrote:quote Luckyjackson - "Update: A sad note: The intro of "Promised Land" is cut. Never heard such a bad job on that intro before. Another big minus! I hope this is going to be corrected on the FTD for that album".

How inexcusable. FFS Who remastered it ?!?
Check with Tony and Midnightx. They'll teach you how to use the quote function.

Hey Lucky, PM me if you'd like for me to take that piece of junk box set off your hands. I'll send you a mailing address.

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by midnightx »

Rob wrote:
Robt wrote:quote Luckyjackson - "Update: A sad note: The intro of "Promised Land" is cut. Never heard such a bad job on that intro before. Another big minus! I hope this is going to be corrected on the FTD for that album".

How inexcusable. FFS Who remastered it ?!?
Check with Tony and Midnightx. They'll teach you how to use the quote function.
[//quote[ Yeah, it really isn't that complicated.[=quote]

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Walter Hale 4 »

Rob you're a dude. I sought a name change cause robt is still your namesake and there is only one Rob, ma friend :D .

Seriously now, aren't you shocked to read of some of the clipped intros ("Promised Land" and "Rags to Ritches" (shades of "Down in the alley" 60's Masters Vol 1)) as described by LuckyJackson on his thoroughly informative observations ?


Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Rob »

midnightx wrote:
Rob wrote:
Robt wrote:quote Luckyjackson - "Update: A sad note: The intro of "Promised Land" is cut. Never heard such a bad job on that intro before. Another big minus! I hope this is going to be corrected on the FTD for that album".

How inexcusable. FFS Who remastered it ?!?
Check with Tony and Midnightx. They'll teach you how to use the quote function.
[//quote[ Yeah, it really isn't that complicated.[=quote]
No, see, you have to quote someone other than yourself.

Hang in there.

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by midnightx »

Rob wrote:[quote="midnightx"
Rob wrote:[[
Robt wrote:quote Luckyjackson - "Update: A sad note: The intro of "Promised Land" is cut. Never heard such a bad job on that intro before. Another big minus! I hope this is going to be corrected on the FTD for that album".

How inexcusable. FFS Who remastered it ?!?[quote
Check with Tony and Midnightx. They'll teach you how to use the quote function.
[//quote[ Yeah, it really isn't that complicated.[=quote]
No, see, you have to quote someone other than yourself.

Hang in there.


Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Rob »

Robt wrote:Rob you're a dude.
Well, I was last time I checked.

Hang on a minute.

Yep, I'm definitely not a girl.

Anyone want pictures?

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by luckyjackson1 »

Hi guys!

Rob, I actually don't want to get rid of my monster box (although I must admit at a certain point I considered it - for probably 0,56783332 milliseconds).

Matthew, I try to answer all of your questions, but right now I'm not at home, so I can't check it. The problem is that I probably forgot about some sources (just like the "Elvis Country"-FTD).

I think the Elvis Country songs are the newer mixes except the singles.

The songs from the September 22, 1970 session are not the 70’s Box mixes, except for “Snowbird”.

The piano intro on "Rags To Riches" was cut on the 70’s Box and even worse on a different release (right now I can’t remember which one), that was the source I related to. And here it still is - messed up.

“Padre” IS the same mix as mentioned above.

I don’t know how to explain the error on “Merry Christmas, Baby” because I’m no engineer, but if you listen closely with a headphone, you’ll know what I mean.

Sorry about MSG. I just had the feelin’ that it runs slower now. Probably just imagination but I have to check it sometime.

“Promised Land” must be the same as on the FM set. Thanks for the reminder that it’s complete on the 75-set.

IIRC, there had been a release where “My Boy” only ran 3:10 without the artificial spliced and faded ending.

They did a sloppy job on “Tiger Man” for sure.

You are right about elvissessions’ thread, I should have posted my observations there.
Sorry for that.


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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by frus75 »

luckyjackson1 wrote:Hi guys!

Rob, I actually don't want to get rid of my monster box (although I must admit at a certain point I considered it - for probably 0,56783332 milliseconds).

Matthew, I try to answer all of your questions, but right now I'm not at home, so I can't check it. The problem is that I probably forgot about some sources (just like the "Elvis Country"-FTD).

I think the Elvis Country songs are the newer mixes except the singles.

The songs from the September 22, 1970 session are not the 70’s Box mixes, except for “Snowbird”.

The piano intro on "Rags To Riches" was cut on the 70’s Box and even worse on a different release (right now I can’t remember which one), that was the source I related to. And here it still is - messed up.

“Padre” IS the same mix as mentioned above.

I don’t know how to explain the error on “Merry Christmas, Baby” because I’m no engineer, but if you listen closely with a headphone, you’ll know what I mean.

Sorry about MSG. I just had the feelin’ that it runs slower now. Probably just imagination but I have to check it sometime.

“Promised Land” must be the same as on the FM set. Thanks for the reminder that it’s complete on the 75-set.

IIRC, there had been a release where “My Boy” only ran 3:10 without the artificial spliced and faded ending.

They did a sloppy job on “Tiger Man” for sure.

You are right about elvissessions’ thread, I should have posted my observations there.
Sorry for that.


You did mention the stax trax. Can't you spot any remixing (like on Padre)? I assume they sound the same as on Good Times FTD, don't they?

Also, is Love Me Love The Life also the original alternate mix?



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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by luckyjackson1 »

Iván, "Love Me, Love The Life I Lead" IS imo the "Original Alternate Mix". The piano on the right channel is clearly more audible than on the regular master and the centered organ is also more audible (at least to my ears).

I don't think, the Stax Trax have been remixed. It is rather the original mix with the (so far) best possible mastering (which is quite good!).
Last edited by luckyjackson1 on Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Claus »

luckyjackson1 wrote:Iván, "Love Me, Love The Life I Lead" IS imo the "Original Alternate Mix". The piano on the right channel is clearly audible than on the regular master and the centered organ is also more audible (at least to my ears).
The FM set contains the mixes listed as Original alternate mixes on the fool ftd of Padre and Love The Life I Lead, so it's probably the same on the new box. Disappointing to hear that the Promised Land intro hasn't been fixed.

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by MarkyMark77 »

Did they use the "Rags to Riches" splice on the 70's set? Having played the original 45 a lot when I was a kid, the splice in the bridge ("tell me you're mine ever more") is incorrect. On the single, he sings "ever more" differently, and holds it out longer. Is the original, single splice on this set?

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Re: ... and the BEST about the SONY BOX is ...

Post by Mike C »

MarkyMark77 wrote:Did they use the "Rags to Riches" splice on the 70's set? Having played the original 45 a lot when I was a kid, the splice in the bridge ("tell me you're mine ever more") is incorrect. On the single, he sings "ever more" differently, and holds it out longer. Is the original, single splice on this set?
I think they used the same splice as used on the Franklin Mint set. This was noted by Keith Flynn in Elvis the Man and His Music #84. Essentailly, rather than flying in just one line "kiss me" from Take 3 into master Take 4, Sony added a few lines from Take 3 ("hold me...ever more") into the master. If you want the original single version in stereo, you will need the now out-of-print Elvis Aaron Presley box set.

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