Ivan, you were a few minutes earlier than me.
All right, here we go again with a few observations (some are just statements, not necessarily meant to be positive or negative, rather neutral):
The “On Stage” album has the original mix (including screams on “Polk Salad Annie” etc.)
“Little Cabin On The Hill” has a different intro (the first few bars). Sounds a little odd to me.
"Bridge Over Troubled Water" has the overdubbed applause on the end.
“Faded Love” is the unedited master.
“I Washed My Hands In Muddy Water” is the (nearly complete) unedited master.
The right channel on "Where Did They Go, Lord" sounds kinda dull.
“Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” sounds strange to my ears - I don’t know how to describe this but I get the feelin’ of a constant “bright- and dullness" (also again on the right channel)...
Unfortunately, a big minus: The intro of "Rags To Riches" is f***ed up again... this time even worse than before. The right channel again sounds kinda dull to me here. I think the best version is still the one found on the german CD "The Collection, Vol. 4" (not sure right now if it's the same as found on "Elvis Aaron Presley", aka the "Silver Box).
"Padre" is most likely the so-called "Original Alternate Mix" they used on the recent "FOOL"-FTD and on the Franklin Mint Set.
“Merry Christmas, Baby” has a digital error (or whatever it is) audible at 0:05 - didn’t hear such thing since an old CD back in the 90’s…
“My Way” again has the bad sounding echo on Elvis’ voice like on its first release on the 70’s Box. So it clearly sounds better on the new “FOOL”-FTD (that means: buy it!). Again this raises the question if L.R. is responsible for all 103 “rarities”…
The sound quality on "I'll Be Home On Christmas Day" (remake) is nowhere nearly as good as on the masters released during Elvis' lifetime, what probably confirms my fears regarding the "rarities".
“Where Do I Go From Here” has the last faded note on 2:36.
Haven't checked out, what mix of "Fool" they used here...
It seems that the speed on the MSG has been corrected, as it sounds fine with me. This has been mentioned zillion times before but let me remark once more that this show needs a remixing desperately. Nevertheless it never sounded better than here. And unlike on the 90’s CD, the strange error (repeated snippet) on “The Impossible Dream” is gone again, thank god!
“Aloha From Hawaii” sounds rather dull to me, otherwise quite powerful.
I think they used some no-noise on the Aloha bonus tracks for they contained some really bad hiss. Compared to the recent "FOOL"-FTD they sound about the same.
Now we know how the masters on the (someday) upcoming “Promised Land”-FTD will sound like: wonderful, glorious! Never heard a better quality of these December ’73 recordings.
Update: A sad note: The intro of "Promised Land" is cut. Never heard such a bad job on that intro before. Another big minus! I hope this is going to be corrected on the FTD for that album.
Probably the most important detection: "My Boy" is thank god the version with the spliced ending, therefore it's the longest running take available!!!
I must say I prefer the vintage mix of the original “Live On Stage In Memphis” album better than on the recent FTD, except for the fake applause, of course. Once more, please! But here the overall sound is quite satisfying (although I recall that I listened to a better sounding CD in the past, probably the 24-bit version).
The whole “Today” album sounds marvelous, better than on all previous releases (except for probably the original vinyl LP which I haven’t heard).
Even Elvis' voice on "Bringing It Back" sounds pretty decent now.
The jam of “Tiger Man” is faded very quickly. Sounds like the same mix as on the 70’s Box and/or the “Today”-FTD (dunno for sure if they were equal).
Elvis’ voice on “It’s Easy For You” sounds more natural now. Beatiful! The keyboards sound a little disturbing because they are way too upfront for my taste.
The dog barking on the very end of “Way Down” is back again!
CONCLUSION: Some minor lapses can’t really reduce the joy to listen to these new remasters (I'm still talking about Discs 1 - 27). It’s simply a pleasure and enormous achievement. Well done, guys! I won’t say it doesn’t get any better, for there’s always a way and it’s not the end of the road. It’s an ongoing work, going on and on and on and on…
Thanks for reading. Any thoughtful comments, encouragements and corrections are very welcome. Even criticism.
Kind regards,