I'm not doing a full review (I'll leave that to Mutt), but here's what I have to say about this CD.
It is for hardcore CD collectors only. Certainly far from a "must have." As far as audience recordings are concerned, I'd give the sound 2 stars out of four. "Fever" is completely covered by Jerry's bass and pretty much drowns out Elvis' vocals. One might hear it better on a cleaner sounding recording. You can easily tell that the song is a new addition to the setlist and is much of the reason that Elvis' vocals are lower. They seem unsure of the ending and it is pretty buch butchered. Other than that, the show itself is pretty good, as most were during this time.
I don't think this one will be a big seller, but if you are thinking about getting it, it's nothing to write home about. Even though I'm glad to have it on my shelf, it's something that I'll not listen to often.
Again, this one is not for everyone.