Elvis Special hosted by Ann Margret

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Elvis Special hosted by Ann Margret

Post by JonRomanovich »

in 77 or 78 they aired Aloha and 68 back to back. is there a bootleg version of this circulating?
Was it anything more than re-airing the 2 shows?


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Post by sam »

From memory it was just the two shows as was. Just introduced by Ann.


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Re: Elvis Special hosted by Ann Margret

Post by drjohncarpenter »

JonRomanovich wrote:in 77 or 78 they aired Aloha and 68 back to back. is there a bootleg version of this circulating? Was it anything more than re-airing the 2 shows?
Here are the facts.

"Memories of Elvis" was broadcast by NBC-TV on Sunday, November 20, 1977 from 8-11 PM, and rebroadcast one time only, on Tuesday, August 29, 1978.

A stunning, but subdued, Ann-Margret was the host.

She introduced a previously-unaired 90 minute edit of the 1968 TV Special, and then returned to say a few words before the 1973 "Aloha" program. She also had a final thought at the end of the evening.

The 90 minute edit was later issued on VHS in 1984 as "ELVIS - '68 comeback SPECIAL."

It was the first time I'd ever seen the 1968 material, and I was blown away. Just for sentimental reasons, I'd love to have a copy, but I've never seen tapes or DVD-Rs offered anywhere.
Last edited by drjohncarpenter on Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by TCB TED »

Ann Margaret hosted "Memories of Elvis", broadcast Nov.20/77.

She basically intro'd the '68 Special, intro'd the Aloha broadcast, then closed the show with a few comments.

She looked amazing in a pink gown, and was visibly upset when she set up the Aloha special.

In '77 we were starved for any prime time show featuring Elvis, so this special is remembered fondly by many of us. Nothing new in the content, just a gorgeous Ann Margaret who tries to present her friend in the best possible light.


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Post by elvissessions »

Actually, Steve Binder talks quite a bit about the different cut in the interview I've posted here.

(How's that for a shameless plug.)

But to cut to the chase, Binder says this was a cut he prepared way back in '68 but it was rejected.

After Elvis died, it appears they just grabbed a tape and didn't even realize immediately that what they were airing was anything different than what had originally been shown.

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Post by TCB TED »

Like Doc, I watched the special live, and seem to recall viewing it shortly after Elvis died.
Here is the list of Ann Margaret tv specials which mentions Nov.20/77.
Perhaps it was rebroadcast in Aug. of the following year.
I have a vhs tape of the special, and Ann Margaret looks fabulous and very much in love with Elvis.


Television Show

4/2/61 The Jack Benny Show CBS
5/4/62 The Andy Williams Special NBC
1963 Ann-Margret Story -
1963 The Flintstones -
1966 The Dean Martin Show -
- A Series of 6 Bob Hope Specials -
- A Series of 4 George Burns Specials -
12/11/68 The Ann-Margret Show ABC
1/16/69 The Bob Hope Show -
2/17/69 Jack Benny's Birthday Special NBC
12/6/69 From Hollywood With Love: The Ann-Margret Special CBS
2/2/70 Here's Lucy and Ann-Margret CBS
4/13/70 The Bob Hope Show NBC
4/8/71 The Swing Out Sweet Land NBC
11/15/71 Family Theatre Dames at Sea NBC
1971 This Is Your Life -
4/4/73 Ann-Margret: When You're Smiling NBC
9/26/73 The Bob Hope Show NBC
1/23/75 Ann-Margret Olsson NBC
9/11/76 Perry Como in Las Vegas NBC
1/21/77 Bob Hope's Spectacular from Lake Tahoe NBC
4/26/77 Ann-Margret: Rhinestone Cowgirl NBC
11/20/77 Memories of Elvis CBS
5/29/77 Happy Birthday, Bob NBC
8/16/79 Las Vegas Palace of the Stars CBS
5/3/80 Ann-Margret's Hollywood Movie Girls NBC
2/9/81 The Way They Were -
11/16/81 George Burns Early Early Early Christmas Show NBC
5/22/83 Hollywood's Private Home Movies ABC
9/18/83 George Burns Celebrates 80 Years in Show Business NBC
12/15/84 Perry Como's Christmas in England ABC
5/92 What About Me, I'm Only 3 CBS
5/6/85 Perry Como Las Vegas Style -
1/17/86 George Burns 90th Birthday Party NBC
5/29/87 The AFI Salute to Barbara Stanwyck NBC
3/5/88 America's Tribute to Bob Hope NBC
1988 Perry Como's Christmas in England NBC
7/20/98 Biography: Ann-Margret: Sugar & Spice A&E


Post by Rob »

TCB TED wrote:Like Doc, I watched the special live, and seem to recall viewing it shortly after Elvis died.
Here is the list of Ann Margaret tv specials which mentions Nov.20/77.
Perhaps it was rebroadcast in Aug. of the following year.
I watched it as well. It was shown for the 2nd time in August '78.

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Post by JonRomanovich »

elvissessions.com wrote:Actually, Steve Binder talks quite a bit about the different cut in the interview I've posted here.

(How's that for a shameless plug.)

But to cut to the chase, Binder says this was a cut he prepared way back in '68 but it was rejected.

After Elvis died, it appears they just grabbed a tape and didn't even realize immediately that what they were airing was anything different than what had originally been shown.
I listened to all your interviews which prompted the question. Your interview rips kick ass y the way. I have had sirius a year now.

Thanks to everyone for your help.


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Post by drjohncarpenter »

Interestingly, I don't at all remember a November 1977 broadcast, but it certainly did happen, as evidenced by the sticker on this LP:


The rebroadcast was indeed in August of the following year. In both cases, it included the expanded version of the 1968 TV Special, and was aired on NBC-TV, not CBS!


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Post by Giovanni »

When it was aired in Melbourne in the early 80s, I actually taped it on VHS.
Quite often on a Sunday morning I'll put it on and watch it. I know it's not as good as dvd quality, but for me, for the time being, it'll do.
Great shows!!!

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Post by JonRomanovich »

Have you put this on DVD-r for your personal use?

If so..you know what my next question is :wink:


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Post by Giovanni »

Pardon my igorance and naivety, but I don't know how to put onto a dvd-r.

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Post by JonRomanovich »

There are numerous ways. The easiest is by using the dual VHS/DVD-recorder players.

Did you record commercials and all?
Are there any kind of Elvis commercials (news features afte the program, TV albums for sales, etc)?


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Post by Giovanni »

I edited the commercials out.
No there weren't any Elvis commercials, otherwise I would have taped them also.

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Juan Luis

Post by Juan Luis »

Also that Ann-Margret special showed the 2001 theme complete with camera views inside the building dark with runway type lights only.

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Post by KHoots »

Man, I'd love to have a copy of that, as well. I vividly recall waiting for the show to be aired, and I remember how fabulous Ann-Margret looked. If I'm not mistaken, she was sitting on a couch in a living room-type setting (with fireplace) doing her dialogue for the show, but I don't remember a whole lot more than that.

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Post by Joe Car »

I also remember watching this special, well done by AM!

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Post by Gregory Nolan Jr. »

I saw the gorgeous Ann Margaret host that "double-breasted" NBC special as well.
:lol: I was blown away on all counts.

I can't recall if I caught in '77 or '78. I did see the CBS' debacle of a broadcast in October of '77, so I think I did see the NBC show in November. That fall, the nation (and the world?) still very much seemed to be mourning Elvis. I'd say that lasted into '79-80 in a real way, after that the "post-humous" versions of Elvis took hold "drug abuser" / "fat"/ impersonators, etc.

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Post by jake »

Ahhhh...........I remember watching and recording this on VHS. I still have it, though the quality has probably degraded over the years. I remember Ann Margaret's dress and as a young boy thinking, ah, can I actually see her nipples through that dress?:oops:

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Post by Gayle »

I don't know if anyone has said this but, I have it on a VCR cassette tape. We taped it when it was aired originally. We got a VCR back in the '70s before they were very popular. I remember the first one cost $1500.00.


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Post by Ricky »

Gayle, I have a direct copy as well. My problem is the first Sony VCR's. they used I believe Beta I format. Today's version is Beta II. Is there a machine that will play Beta I??

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Post by Gayle »

Mine's not a Beta copy. It's the other type.

I've recopied a lot of our old cassettes because some of them are from the '70s and I'm afraid they'll go bad. although, they haven't yet. All of mine are on the regular VCR cassette tapes. They used to cost $25.00 for one blank cassette. Man, how times change.

Sorry, Ricky, I don't know much about beta tapes.


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Post by JonRomanovich »

can you transfer to your computer and post a few screen shots?


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Post by Gayle »

Were you asking me about posting some screen shots?

Don't you remember me? I'm the one who had to get help posting my mother's picture on here. I'll have to get with the guy at my radio station who does all the computer work to help me with that. I just got back from Tennessee last weekend and I won't be going back for a week or two.



Post by MattC »

I got this on vhs and transfered it over to dvd awhile back. The quality isn't the best in the world though :cry: