A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

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A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by fecc-mechanic »


One of the many tenants, or qualities that was most admirable in Elvis was his life-long philanthropic activities. Many Elvis fans continue this activity to this day by donating their personal time, money, and work for many great causes large and small. Either via Fan Clubs or on their own.


Now, however, one of our own is struggling. Struggling for her life, in fact.

Many of you know her simply as @rjm.

But I along with many others know her as Robin.

You may have noticed that it has been a while since we've seen a post from her.

She has fallen onto hard times due to a very serious health condition. A health condition which requires medication for her to stay alive.

A medication that is so costly in the US, that many have to choose to either purchase and take the minimal amount to stay alive, over groceries, or even over their utility bill.

This medication in question is insulin.

Nobody, in the free world should have to make such decisions. They should be able to afford to take the full prescribed dose. Not just the amount to ensure they don't die.

As a healthcare professional myself, I know the dangers and repercussions of such hard decisions. Robin/@rjm has already once almost died because of it. She ALMOST DIED, folks.

Robin's/@rjm's situation was brought to my attention simply by chance early this morning in a twitter "what's happening" email digest.

What can we do to help?

A "GoFundMe" campaign has been setup at the following address:

Any amount that you can give will help Robin/@rjm afford her much needed medication. And will help keep her alive!

Robin explains things much more eloquently than I ever could. So I will include her words below.
rjm wrote:Hi there. I'm Robin. I have Diabetes, type II. Earlier this year, I was hospitalized with diabetic ketoacidosis, or "high blood sugar." I was going into Diabetic Coma, but I called 911. The doctors and nurses saved my life.

Later that week, my endocrinologist gave a new kind of insulin in addition to my once-a-day Lantus. Now I must take Humalog before every meal.

Each pack of insulin pens cost almost $500. I just recently lost my health insurance because I couldn't afford it.

Although I am disabled with an arthritic spine in addition to Diabetes and clinical anxiety and depression (which I can afford to treat), I was turned down for Disability insurance once already, and right now, it's going to take a while to qualify for Medicaid (Medi-cal in California).

Last year my father died of smoke inhalation. He left me an insurance policy. It's been over a year and a half, and I have only a little money left to my name. I have a place to live through March, and I have food money, electricity, and gas. Enough for a few months before I can maybe get disability insurance or a desk job that won't injure my spine. The money is almost gone.

I have no siblings, no husband, and I couldn't have children.

I don't have immediate family.

I live alone now.

I don't want to die.
(Text bolded and underlined by me for emphasis).

These days we have almost become numb to all the suffering in the world due to the Covid pandemic. But we can all come together, as Elvis fans, as human beings, to help Robin/@rjm through her struggle for life. Her final sentence above sent chills through my spine. That's how important this is. Robin/@rjm is literally in a fight for her life.

Please let us all come together to help ensure that our mutual friend does not die. Ensure that she does not die purely because of the greed of the pharmaceutical industry here in the United States.

Robin/@rjm is a jewel of a human being. Before her struggle began, she made many friends here. She also provided thought provoking, entertaining, and valuable contributions here in her posts and replies.

Let us all "Take Care of Business in a Flash" and show Robin how much we appreciate her. Let us all continue Elvis' philanthropy.

Robin/@rjm is a kind soul that desperately needs our help.

The GoFundMe link, again, is:

Again no amount is too small. She needs us, folks. Let us show her that ::rocks
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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by Walter Hale 4 »

fecc-mechanic wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:55 am

One of the many tenants, or qualities that was most admirable in Elvis was his life-long philanthropic activities. Many Elvis fans continue this activity to this day by donating their personal time, money, and work for many great causes large and small. Either via Fan Clubs or on their own.


Now, however, one of our own is struggling. Struggling for her life, in fact.

Many of you know her simply as @rjm.

But I along with many others know her as Robin.

You may have noticed that it has been a while since we've seen a post from her.

She has fallen onto hard times due to a very serious health condition. A health condition which requires medication for her to stay alive.

A medication that is so costly in the US, that many have to choose to either purchase and take the minimal amount to stay alive, over groceries, or even over their utility bill.

This medication in question is insulin.

Nobody, in the free world should have to make such decisions. They should be able to afford to take the full prescribed dose. Not just the amount to ensure they don't die.

As a healthcare professional myself, I know the dangers and repercussions of such hard decisions. Robin/@rjm has already once almost died because of it. She ALMOST DIED, folks.

Robin's/@rjm's situation was brought to my attention simply by chance early this morning in a twitter "what's happening" email digest.

What can we do to help?

A "GoFundMe" campaign has been setup at the following address:

Any amount that you can give will help Robin/@rjm afford her much needed medication. And will help keep her alive!

Robin explains things much more eloquently than I ever could. So I will include her words below.
rjm wrote:Hi there. I'm Robin. I have Diabetes, type II. Earlier this year, I was hospitalized with diabetic ketoacidosis, or "high blood sugar." I was going into Diabetic Coma, but I called 911. The doctors and nurses saved my life.

Later that week, my endocrinologist gave a new kind of insulin in addition to my once-a-day Lantus. Now I must take Humalog before every meal.

Each pack of insulin pens cost almost $500. I just recently lost my health insurance because I couldn't afford it.

Although I am disabled with an arthritic spine in addition to Diabetes and clinical anxiety and depression (which I can afford to treat), I was turned down for Disability insurance once already, and right now, it's going to take a while to qualify for Medicaid (Medi-cal in California).

Last year my father died of smoke inhalation. He left me an insurance policy. It's been over a year and a half, and I have only a little money left to my name. I have a place to live through March, and I have food money, electricity, and gas. Enough for a few months before I can maybe get disability insurance or a desk job that won't injure my spine. The money is almost gone.

I have no siblings, no husband, and I couldn't have children.

I don't have immediate family.

I live alone now.

I don't want to die.
(Text bolded and underlined by me for emphasis).

These days we have almost become numb to all the suffering in the world due to the Covid pandemic. But we can all come together, as Elvis fans, as human beings, to help Robin/@rjm through her struggle for life. Her final sentence above sent chills through my spine. That's how important this is. Robin/@rjm is literally in a fight for her life.

Please let us all come together to help ensure that our mutual friend does not die. Ensure that she does not die purely because of the greed of the pharmaceutical industry here in the United States.

Robin/@rjm is a jewel of a human being. Before her struggle began, she made many friends here. She also provided thought provoking, entertaining, and valuable contributions here in her posts and replies.

Let us all "Take Care of Business in a Flash" and show Robin how much we appreciate her. Let us all continue Elvis' philanthropy.

Robin/@rjm is a kind soul that desperately needs our help.

The GoFundMe link, again, is:

Again no amount is too small. She needs us, folks. Let us show her that ::rocks
hey FECC Mechanic . Greetings from Australia,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. You were right to do so.

I never donated anything using gofundme before but will gladly help - or try to.

Miss hearing from and conversing with Robin (aka RJM).
Really am sorry to read on her bad luck.

If am not successful can i depend on fecc mechanic help to do so?

Robt (aka Walter 4)

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by fecc-mechanic »

Walter Hale 4 wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:32 am
If am not successful can i depend on fecc mechanic help to do so?
Certainly! I'm always a mouse-click away!
Thank you, Sir!

All the best from Memphis,

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Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (https://eapsociety.com/)! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by Walter Hale 4 »

fecc mechanic, just made a donation. It was a bit challenging to do as it says donation is $U.S. dollars and i am australian but looks like it work. I'll wait an hour and check again.

Mate, again good on you for bringing it to our attention.

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by MaryAnn »

Thanks so much for letting us know, Jordan. I always enjoyed rjm’s posts and miss her contributions to the forum. It’s late here now, but I’ll make a donation tomorrow. I hope Robin will be able to join us here again in the future.

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by fecc-mechanic »

MaryAnn wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:08 am
Thanks so much for letting us know, Jordan. I always enjoyed rjm’s posts and miss her contributions to the forum. It’s late here now, but I’ll make a donation tomorrow. I hope Robin will be able to join us here again in the future.
You are extremely kind. I know Robin will appreciate it immensely!

All the best from Memphis,

Like the work/support being done to keep the "Elvis World" online? Feel free to send a tip to me via PayPal at sales@elvicities.com


fa-boltfa-boltPlease send all tech support requests to: tech@elvicities.comfa-boltfa-bolt

Make sure to visit my friends at the EAP society (https://eapsociety.com/)! It's a movement! For all generations of fans! And it's worth supporting!!!

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by iplayastrat »

Just recently I wondered where Robin has been, but didn't know who to ask.
I hope she gets everything she needs and more. Robin if you're reading this
we miss you. And I hope and pray everything will be okay.

My escape from society continues...

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by Walter Hale 4 »

iplayastrat wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:32 am
Just recently I wondered where Robin has been, but didn't know who to ask.
I hope she gets everything she needs and more. Robin if you're reading this
we miss you. And I hope and pray everything will be okay.
well said.

But, what does it say that a country like the US and they're not able to provide better healthcare to it's residents, there? I'm type 2 diabetes myself and my three medications (different from Robin's) are all subsidized by the AU government.

I too hope she will get her health sorted and return to this place among her friends.

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by Walter Hale 4 »

UPDATE Robin a.k.a RJM has reached her specified U.S. $1000, even overtaken this, therefore no need to donate any further.

Thanks everyone who has done and your messages of support. Bless you. Hope Robin will be able to get her health all sorted and have her quality of life back.

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by rjm »

I haven't had a chance to read the thread yet. But several members have donated.

I need to first of all let you know that if I leave a long "thank you" GofundMe sends ONE LINE!!! I am so sorry about that. But it's their app.

Now, thank you all so very much with my whole heart. I will be back. I am right now dealing with almost insurmountable trouble, but this too shall pass, I fervently hope!

I want to especially thank @George Smith , @DrJohn - who just donated even after the goal (!!!), Mister Moon (both of whose "thank you"s got cut off by the app), and Jimmy Bass, who also got one line and who also donated post goal. He got the same one line of someone else's "thank you." Sorry, but it's their app. They have a few bugs to squash, but it otherwise works pretty well. I have to see if they made that line into a "template." Oh, and it's 3:04 A.M. and someone named "Rob" just donated! Thank you Rob!!!

@George Smith has been incredible from the beginning to goal. I just had to say that. He's a beautiful, special person and friend. But he lives in London. And this sure ain't London, or these troubles would not be happening.

So I'll say it all here. This was for one person (I think he knows who he is: I said "Oh my Gosh {menber real name})", but it applies generally in any event. Oh, and "Jimmy Bass" got the same one-liner "thank you." I couldn't thank him separately. I don't know his handle.

So here's what I wrote to an old friend here, and it's also for everyone!

THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL! I will be back. Right now, things are very difficult. I might be evicted from my home. I live alone since my father died last year from complications of smoke inhalation during an evacuation from a California wildfire. Life has been difficult and as you know, I lost my health insurance.

Many, many thanks old friend(s)!!! I'll be back! I want to make my OWN "great comeback," and not just online, although that's important to me. But in life generally. It's been tough since he passed away. The Pandemic is now making it tougher. For a while, I got a reprieve, but today, the mortgage company we had for 10 years sold the mortgage! My forebearance extension is erased. I have to start from scratch with a new mortgage company. I don't even remember the name of who called this morning to say my mortgage company had sold me down the river. "Oh, we don't transfer mortgages; our investor does that." I replied: "I have absolutely no idea what that sentence means." And I don't. This is not The Bailey Building and Loan.

But the help friends have provided thus far has at least ensured that I will live to see 2021!!! I was hospitalized last March with diabeticketoacidosis. I almost died. A friend came over to go to the movies. I fell asleep. She said, well, let's rent one. I did. I fell asleep again. My friend went home, saying I obviously needed more sleep. If I had taken that advice, I would never have awakened. My blood glucose was over 600. They don't give you the number if it's that high. The paramedics didn't get a number either. I couldn't drink water and was completely dehydrated. They rescued me. The meter manufacturers want you to go to a hospital, so no number is given, just "HI." That's all it says after 600.

I was alone, fortunately with no car. Because I would have crashed it by passing out at the wheel. I called 911. I was in the hospital for two days. And I am trying to keep the BG under 200. I did well at first, but it's pretty high again. Over 200 fasting. It's a very difficult disease, and a very expensive one.

Everything is now out-of-pocket. I don't have Medicaid yet. Here it's called "Medi-Cal." Same thing. I will need SSI or SSD, and I am so confused about all this bureaucracy and all these acronyms that it's actually raising my BG due to stress, which produces cortisol. Which raises blood sugar. I need just one day of peace. At least that. I haven't had any peace since they evacuated us from the fire zone, which burnt down one home on our street. And which killed my father after months of struggle. He did not want to die.

Anyway, he passed away. I have no other immediate family. I couldn't have children. Never married. I was disabled but I never did get Disability, even though everyone told me to for years. Except my dad. He thought he'd live forever. He really did. He was a dreamer, like me. He found the idea of public assistance for me as a personal insult to him. I understood. But he was wrong, and I was wrong to listen to him. Sigh.

As to FECC.

Facebook doesn't require as much energy. Actually, that's an understatement. I hope you understand that FECC requires tremendous dedication. I hope to soon recover my energy and health, get a job after the vacccines kick in and then reboot my life! I have many skills to offer. Right now there are only "front line" high risk jobs available. I can't take the chance. I would not survive the virus. And I can't lift things or stand for long periods of time. Like 10 minutes. I have premature osteoporosis and an arthritic spine. So, I need a desk job. A simple desk job. There aren't any now.

Again, thank you so very, very much!!! You're amazing! I gotta read the comments. Thanks to Jordan, who contacted me through social media.
Robin ("rjm")
P.S. -- The campaign is not closed, but I have not added a particular "stretch goal." If you wish, you may still help me out. But, I reached the goal!!! 😊😀 I am still stunned at the generosity!
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Last edited by rjm on Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.

"And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."

"Treat me mean and cruel, treat me like a fool, but love me!"

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by rjm »

Wow. Thank you so very much. I am very, very moved and humbled by your words. I'm kinda speechless! ❤️

rjm ::rocks
fecc-mechanic wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:55 am

One of the many tenants, or qualities that was most admirable in Elvis was his life-long philanthropic activities. Many Elvis fans continue this activity to this day by donating their personal time, money, and work for many great causes large and small. Either via Fan Clubs or on their own.


Now, however, one of our own is struggling. Struggling for her life, in fact.

Many of you know her simply as @rjm.

But I along with many others know her as Robin.

You may have noticed that it has been a while since we've seen a post from her.

She has fallen onto hard times due to a very serious health condition. A health condition which requires medication for her to stay alive.

A medication that is so costly in the US, that many have to choose to either purchase and take the minimal amount to stay alive, over groceries, or even over their utility bill.

This medication in question is insulin.

Nobody, in the free world should have to make such decisions. They should be able to afford to take the full prescribed dose. Not just the amount to ensure they don't die.

As a healthcare professional myself, I know the dangers and repercussions of such hard decisions. Robin/@rjm has already once almost died because of it. She ALMOST DIED, folks.

Robin's/@rjm's situation was brought to my attention simply by chance early this morning in a twitter "what's happening" email digest.

What can we do to help?

A "GoFundMe" campaign has been setup at the following address:

Any amount that you can give will help Robin/@rjm afford her much needed medication. And will help keep her alive!

Robin explains things much more eloquently than I ever could. So I will include her words below.
rjm wrote:Hi there. I'm Robin. I have Diabetes, type II. Earlier this year, I was hospitalized with diabetic ketoacidosis, or "high blood sugar." I was going into Diabetic Coma, but I called 911. The doctors and nurses saved my life.

Later that week, my endocrinologist gave a new kind of insulin in addition to my once-a-day Lantus. Now I must take Humalog before every meal.

Each pack of insulin pens cost almost $500. I just recently lost my health insurance because I couldn't afford it.

Although I am disabled with an arthritic spine in addition to Diabetes and clinical anxiety and depression (which I can afford to treat), I was turned down for Disability insurance once already, and right now, it's going to take a while to qualify for Medicaid (Medi-cal in California).

Last year my father died of smoke inhalation. He left me an insurance policy. It's been over a year and a half, and I have only a little money left to my name. I have a place to live through March, and I have food money, electricity, and gas. Enough for a few months before I can maybe get disability insurance or a desk job that won't injure my spine. The money is almost gone.

I have no siblings, no husband, and I couldn't have children.

I don't have immediate family.

I live alone now.

I don't want to die.
(Text bolded and underlined by me for emphasis).

These days we have almost become numb to all the suffering in the world due to the Covid pandemic. But we can all come together, as Elvis fans, as human beings, to help Robin/@rjm through her struggle for life. Her final sentence above sent chills through my spine. That's how important this is. Robin/@rjm is literally in a fight for her life.

Please let us all come together to help ensure that our mutual friend does not die. Ensure that she does not die purely because of the greed of the pharmaceutical industry here in the United States.

Robin/@rjm is a jewel of a human being. Before her struggle began, she made many friends here. She also provided thought provoking, entertaining, and valuable contributions here in her posts and replies.

Let us all "Take Care of Business in a Flash" and show Robin how much we appreciate her. Let us all continue Elvis' philanthropy.

Robin/@rjm is a kind soul that desperately needs our help.

The GoFundMe link, again, is:

Again no amount is too small. She needs us, folks. Let us show her that ::rocks

"And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."

"Treat me mean and cruel, treat me like a fool, but love me!"

My Tumblr blog: https://robinmark64.tumblr.com/


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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by rjm »

fecc-mechanic wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:14 am
MaryAnn wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:08 am
Thanks so much for letting us know, Jordan. I always enjoyed rjm’s posts and miss her contributions to the forum. It’s late here now, but I’ll make a donation tomorrow. I hope Robin will be able to join us here again in the future.
You are extremely kind. I know Robin will appreciate it immensely!
She does! ❤️ :smt006
Last edited by rjm on Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."

"Treat me mean and cruel, treat me like a fool, but love me!"

My Tumblr blog: https://robinmark64.tumblr.com/


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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by rjm »

Walter Hale 4 wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:49 am
fecc mechanic, just made a donation. It was a bit challenging to do as it says donation is $U.S. dollars and i am australian but looks like it work. I'll wait an hour and check again.

Mate, again good on you for bringing it to our attention.
Thank you! ❤️

All the best,
rjm (Robin)

"And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."

"Treat me mean and cruel, treat me like a fool, but love me!"

My Tumblr blog: https://robinmark64.tumblr.com/


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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by rjm »

One more thing. Merry Christmas!
And Happy Hannukka, Fruitful Kwanzaa, and most of all

A HAPPY 2021! Oh let it be true!
Happy Holidays to all,
Robin (rjm)
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"And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."

"Treat me mean and cruel, treat me like a fool, but love me!"

My Tumblr blog: https://robinmark64.tumblr.com/


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Walter Hale 4
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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by Walter Hale 4 »

rjm wrote:
Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:36 pm
Walter Hale 4 wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:49 am
fecc mechanic, just made a donation. It was a bit challenging to do as it says donation is $U.S. dollars and i am australian but looks like it work. I'll wait an hour and check again.

Mate, again good on you for bringing it to our attention.
Thank you! ❤️

All the best,
rjm (Robin)

Bless you Robin.

Greetings from AU.

You are going to beat this thing. You and also ken from England (who's soon got a major op coming up). 2021 is going to be a good year including americans who will get some stability in that part of the world.
Take care and stay safe.

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by Walter Hale 4 »

oh yeah robin. I have let your friends at Phoenix know including posting Jordan's topic there.


If you are a member there as well you can drop them a line there.

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by drjohncarpenter »

Robin is one of the good ones, in every way. Please help out if you can.


Dr. John Carpenter, M.D.
Stop, look and listen, baby <<--->> that's my philosophy!

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by BrianTCB »

Donation completed - done and done.

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by fecc-mechanic »

Everyone that has helped either via monetary donations - or the sending of good vibes Robin's/@rjm's way really showed that Elvis' giving spirit lives on.

Your show of support/kindness/love for a person that you only "know" online shows that Elvis fans know no boundaries.

Members from two forums have come together to show that we all can TCB - in a flash (literally!)

I know that your kindness brought tears (of joy/thankfulness) to Robin/@rjm - but also know that it brought tears to me as well.

Tears of - I can't explain it.

Just of how proud I am of everyone here at FECC, and from Phoenix - The Elvis Forum who have come to Robin's/@rjm's aid.

Be it via donations, be it via good vibes sent her way, be it via prayers, or just a simple note of positivity.

YOU have made a difference in Robin's/@rjm's life.


All the best from Memphis,

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Walter Hale 4
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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by Walter Hale 4 »

fecc-mechanic wrote:
Fri Dec 11, 2020 9:19 am
Everyone that has helped either via monetary donations - or the sending of good vibes Robin's/@rjm's way really showed that Elvis' giving spirit lives on.

Your show of support/kindness/love for a person that you only "know" online shows that Elvis fans know no boundaries.

Members from two forums have come together to show that we all can TCB - in a flash (literally!)

I know that your kindness brought tears (of joy/thankfulness) to Robin/@rjm - but also know that it brought tears to me as well.

Tears of - I can't explain it.

Just of how proud I am of everyone here at FECC, and from Phoenix - The Elvis Forum who have come to Robin's/@rjm's aid.

Be it via donations, be it via good vibes sent her way, be it via prayers, or just a simple note of positivity.

YOU have made a difference in Robin's/@rjm's life.

Well said. Certainly agree. Best thing that can happen, as far as this forum is concerned, is for Robin and also Ken (who has just had major esophagus surgery) , two long members here, will soon be able to get their health and quality of life back.

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by rjm »

Walter Hale 4 wrote:
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:08 pm
oh yeah robin. I have let your friends at Phoenix know including posting Jordan's topic there.


If you are a member there as well you can drop them a line there.
Thanks. Tell 'em thanks. ❤️

Seems like the one thing everyone agrees upon is that the USA is insane for lacking an NHS. The last western style country to implement it, as best I recall, was Israel: nearly 25 years ago! This situation here is unexplainable. And so I'm scared. 😢

Last edited by rjm on Sat Dec 12, 2020 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

"And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by rjm »

My best wishes to my great old friend @Ken ! I am so sorry he's having a health problem and has had to have serious operations. He's in my thoughts with best wishes for a speedy and full recovery! I hope he reads this and knows I wish him the best as always! :smt006


"And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."

"Treat me mean and cruel, treat me like a fool, but love me!"

My Tumblr blog: https://robinmark64.tumblr.com/


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Walter Hale 4
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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by Walter Hale 4 »

rjm wrote:
Sat Dec 12, 2020 4:25 pm
Walter Hale 4 wrote:
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:08 pm
oh yeah robin. I have let your friends at Phoenix know including posting Jordan's topic there.


If you are a member there as well you can drop them a line there.
Thanks. Tell 'em thanks. ❤️ Will do...

Seems like the one thing everyone agrees upon is that the USA is insane for lacking an NHS. The last western style country to implement it, as best I recall, was Israel: nearly 25 years ago! This situation here is unexplainable. And so I'm scared. 😢


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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by SteamrollerBlues »

I'm very sorry I'm just seeing this now. I'm incredibly happy to see that rjm's donation goal has been reached and I am happy nevertheless to donate. Happy holidays rjm and may your health improve and condition improve very soon!

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Re: A CRITICAL call for support for one of our own (rjm)

Post by Robert »

Just seeing this now and donated.
The US health care system doesn't seem right, compared to Europe at least where people are taken care of in situations like this.
Wishing you all the best Robin, looks like you get the support you need and great respect to fellow FECC members who step up and make a difference.
