One of the many tenants, or qualities that was most admirable in Elvis was his life-long philanthropic activities. Many Elvis fans continue this activity to this day by donating their personal time, money, and work for many great causes large and small. Either via Fan Clubs or on their own.
Now, however, one of our own is struggling. Struggling for her life, in fact.
Many of you know her simply as @rjm.
But I along with many others know her as Robin.
You may have noticed that it has been a while since we've seen a post from her.
She has fallen onto hard times due to a very serious health condition. A health condition which requires medication for her to stay alive.
A medication that is so costly in the US, that many have to choose to either purchase and take the minimal amount to stay alive, over groceries, or even over their utility bill.
This medication in question is insulin.
Nobody, in the free world should have to make such decisions. They should be able to afford to take the full prescribed dose. Not just the amount to ensure they don't die.
As a healthcare professional myself, I know the dangers and repercussions of such hard decisions. Robin/@rjm has already once almost died because of it. She ALMOST DIED, folks.
Robin's/@rjm's situation was brought to my attention simply by chance early this morning in a twitter "what's happening" email digest.
What can we do to help?
A "GoFundMe" campaign has been setup at the following address:
Any amount that you can give will help Robin/@rjm afford her much needed medication. And will help keep her alive!
Robin explains things much more eloquently than I ever could. So I will include her words below.
(Text bolded and underlined by me for emphasis).rjm wrote:Hi there. I'm Robin. I have Diabetes, type II. Earlier this year, I was hospitalized with diabetic ketoacidosis, or "high blood sugar." I was going into Diabetic Coma, but I called 911. The doctors and nurses saved my life.
Later that week, my endocrinologist gave a new kind of insulin in addition to my once-a-day Lantus. Now I must take Humalog before every meal.
Each pack of insulin pens cost almost $500. I just recently lost my health insurance because I couldn't afford it.
Although I am disabled with an arthritic spine in addition to Diabetes and clinical anxiety and depression (which I can afford to treat), I was turned down for Disability insurance once already, and right now, it's going to take a while to qualify for Medicaid (Medi-cal in California).
Last year my father died of smoke inhalation. He left me an insurance policy. It's been over a year and a half, and I have only a little money left to my name. I have a place to live through March, and I have food money, electricity, and gas. Enough for a few months before I can maybe get disability insurance or a desk job that won't injure my spine. The money is almost gone.
I have no siblings, no husband, and I couldn't have children.
I don't have immediate family.
I live alone now.
I don't want to die.
These days we have almost become numb to all the suffering in the world due to the Covid pandemic. But we can all come together, as Elvis fans, as human beings, to help Robin/@rjm through her struggle for life. Her final sentence above sent chills through my spine. That's how important this is. Robin/@rjm is literally in a fight for her life.
Please let us all come together to help ensure that our mutual friend does not die. Ensure that she does not die purely because of the greed of the pharmaceutical industry here in the United States.
Robin/@rjm is a jewel of a human being. Before her struggle began, she made many friends here. She also provided thought provoking, entertaining, and valuable contributions here in her posts and replies.
Let us all "Take Care of Business in a Flash" and show Robin how much we appreciate her. Let us all continue Elvis' philanthropy.
Robin/@rjm is a kind soul that desperately needs our help.
The GoFundMe link, again, is:
Again no amount is too small. She needs us, folks. Let us show her that