One of the most unique recordings of Elvis - to me - are the recordings made in Waco, Texas when visiting Eddie Fadal in 1958. The first time they were released, was on the LP Forever Young, Forever Beautiful ( Memphis Flash JL-92447) in August 1978. I got myself a copy via one of the fanclubs back in the day, and somehow couldn't get enough of it. It was so seldom that we could get so incredibly close to the real Elvis. And it still is the only time we can hear how Elvis "listened" to music. Humming along.
One of the songs he hummed along with was the B-side of this Fats Domino single:

It was released that same year, 1958. And sounded like this:
However, it seemed that Elvis preferred the other side:

For that is the site we can hear him humming with on the Fadal recording:
I still love it...
And in the mean time we learn how the horse walking sound on Elvis' Blue Moon was made, and by whom: Elvis himself, making mouth sounds, clicking his tongue.