Marvin Weldon script supervisor, Michael Curtiz Director and Elvis on the set of King Creole, Paramount Studios, California,January 20th-27th February 1958.*
The same location and timeframe.
Scene 18, Dean Jagger and Elvis in discussion. Tuesday 21st of January 1958, Paramount Studios, Kitchen set. +

(*) Date : Friday January 24th 1958, which was the date for scene's 53,54,and 55, which was the original scripted version. This included the sitting on the bed section. A second revised script issued on the 21st of February,had an alternative version of scene 55, Wednesday 26th February 1958,the scene was re-shot ,and this is the version we all know,where Danny and Nellie talk in the hallway of the hotel. It's still on the Paramount lot. Director Michael Curtiz,Elvis and Dolores Hart.
Dolores Hart talking about the scene,and she stated,"It was a scene we were working towards and it just didn't seem to work.It didn't seem to be effective because...And I think it was Elvis who finally called a halt to it, as I remember, because he said,"I just don't see how Nellie would even come this far". He explained that it was because of the kind of girl she was. He said,"She wouldn't go that far and have me take her dress down and then say no.If she's going to go to bed with me, but she's not going to go to bed with me, but she's not going to fool around with me"I agreed with him.**
January 24th 1958.
The Image above can be found on Page 85, in the excellent book " Inside King Creole" by Ger Riff, JeanPaul Commandeur,Glen Johnson.


Tuesday 28th January 1958, Scene 52. Paramount studio,stage 4, set 5.
Dolores Hart,Liliane Montevecchi,Elvis. The photo looks to be taken around the time when Danny meets Nellie after she leaves work for the first time,as Elvis's hair match's this scene in the movie.
8..Elvis and Michael Curtiz in deep discussion from the same period. Update new Full frame version


Elvis taking a break between takes is seated at a piano whilst talking to Charles O'Curran.
Location : Paramount Studios,Hollywood.
Blue Shade nightclub set.
Date : 14th February 1958.
Elvis is dressed for the production Number "Trouble".

Elvis and Carolyn Jones ,as they relax for photographs and Carolyn holds a cup of tea.They are dressed around the time of the production number "Trouble" which would be either the afternoon of 13th February, Friday the 14th or Monday the 17th of February 1958.
Paramount Studios, Stage 5.
Note : Elvis is not wearing the tie that he wore for the scene's.No.35-51.


Carolyn Jones,Hal Wallis and Elvis
Location : Paramount Studios
Date : Monday 24th/Tuesday 25th February 1958.
Elvis and Carolyn are dressed for the scene in Maxie's apartment.


New Orleans on the first day of location shooting. Director Michael Curtiz can be seen standing behind the horse. Local residents look on as the crew prepare for one of the opening scene's in the movie - the production Number "Crawfish".
Kitty White the Jazz vocalist can been on the right of the picture sat on the cart getting herself ready (uncredited role). The actual song itself was a duet between Elvis and Kitty White. (See page 11 of "Inside King Creole" book for the shot of the cart pulling away)
The date : Sunday 2nd March 1958.
Location : Royal Street,New Orleans.
KITTY WHITE, the jazz and pop icon, died, aged 86. She died at Palm Springs Health Care Center,August 11th 2009.
Note 1. The over the shoulder (O/S) shot of Danny on the balcony looking down onto street was filmed on the 2nd of March 1958. Cliff Gleaves played the part of a sailor seen here.

Note 2. The shots of Danny singing 'Crawfish' were shot at Paramount Studio,Hollywood on Monday 20th January 1958.
Jack Grinnage recalls: "I flew down with Kitty White and Brian Hutton and Vic Morrow,we all went down on a plane together"(to New Orleans)Kiity White sang her movie vocal's on location.
In this image an umbrella can be seen, which puts this photo as late in the day on the 5th but most likely the 6th of March 1958 in Jackson square, New Orleans. It is unclear,if the unit ever intended to shoot the Danny and Nellie park bench scene(151) on location,because the plate shots(back projection) were shot by the second unit on the 3rd of March.They were not successful(bad light /weather?) in any case, and the scene was shot back at Paramount studios on the units return, on Monday the 10th of March.

As above, Elvis signing autographs on location in Jackson square, probably on the 6th of March 1958.see below for more info.(Uncropped)
A view of the area

This is almost certainly March 6th 1958, in the Jackson Park area, Scene 158. Intermittent rain was recorded all day(and part of the previous day) and the unit was eventually wrapped for the New Orleans location work. Note the large umbrella,as Elvis is sat waiting with Colonel Tom Parker and Michael Curtiz. This image is cropped, but the uncropped version I have is lacking definition and quality. (Note the lower right of frame is not part of the original image)

Director Michael Curtiz, Producer Hal Wallis and Elvis
Date : Tuesday 11th February /Thursday 20th February/Monday 24th February 1958
Location : Paramount Studios, Hollywood.
This photo appeared in the book 'Inside King Creole',Page 29,but this is the full uncropped version.

Photo by Jack Beech, taken on location in New Orleans.
Danny(Elvis) and Dummy(Jack Grinnage)

Elvis departs to a waiting car on location in New Orleans. The date is most likely the 5th of March 1958. The main unit returned from Lake Pontchartrain in the afternoon to shoot scene's 159(Danny enters Cabildo arches) and scene 162 (Danny runs in alley)The light looks dull/evening time.This photo appeared in the book 'Inside King Creole',Page 29, but this is the full uncropped version. Alan Fortas is just ahead of Elvis in the white shirt and Red West is standing by the car with his back to camera.
Alan Fortas recalls: "We just presented ourselves as a traveling wedge ,escorting Elvis through a building and out the door.Here in New Orleans, though, we ran into different kind of situation,"Elvis Presley Day" brought out more people than I'd ever seen in my life. Coming out of the French Quarter, we managed to maneuver Elvis through the crowd to a cab, but once we got inside the taxi,we lost control. People started shaking that cab like a coconut on a tree.
"Drive! we yelled. The cabby froze.Poor bastard didn't know what to do."Start driving! They'll move!"
"I Can't! I'll run over 'em!"
He did it,but he was scared half to death, tell the truth, we were too.


Four Candid's taken on location, probably in a Hotel room, 3-6 March 1958.
Note Red West's jacket mentioned with picture 20.
Jan Shepard is wearing the clothes 'Mimi' wore for the scene when she enters the King Creole club,and where she sits with 'Charlie',and they watch Danny perform 'King Creole'.
Liliane Montevecchi is either wearing her non movie clothes or she is wearing clothes that don't feature in the finished movie.
Elvis is wearing the clothes Danny wore when he performed 'Hard Headed Woman'?(Deleted)'Danny'?(Deleted) and 'King Creole' at the King Creole club.
Dolores Hart is wearing clothes that don't feature in the finished movie.
The conclusions that can be made, are that this could possibly be from around the time that the the two deleted musical Numbers were shot.The sequence ran together so when it was decided to drop 'Hard Headed Woman' and replace it with 'Danny',both music numbers had to be re-shot. The first shoot was on the 5th of February, then with the alteration, a new number was needed and 'Danny' was chosen and recorded on the Paramount set at some point on the 11th of February.
'Hard Headed Woman(scene 130/131) King Creole club filmed on Wednesday 5th February.
'King Creole'(scene 132)King Creole club filmed on Wednesday 5th February.
'Danny (scene 130) King Creole club filmed on Thursday 13th February.
'King Creole'(scene 132) King Creole club filmed on Thursday 13th February.
Note 1: reverse shots (behind Elvis looking to the audience) of 'King Creole' and 'Hard Headed Woman' were shot on 6th February.
Note 2: 'Hard Headed Woman' can be seen/heard very briefly before 'King Creole'.
This photo appeared in the book 'Inside King Creole', Page 29,but this is the full uncropped version.
Gordon Stoker: "Between scenes we sang spirituals, that's what Elvis wanted to do. Charlie O'Curran was the Choreographer on several films,including 'King Creole',and he brought Patti Page, his wife to the set"
Hoyt Hawkins with (back to camera) takes part in a music number backstage with, Hugh Jarrett, Bill Black (holding upright bass), Elvis, Scotty Moore at the top of picture,Dick Winslow next to Elvis,Charles O'Curran,Patti Page, D.J. Fontana sat with his drum kit, and Liliane Montevecchi (Nina)
Dick Winslow seen above played the part of 'Eddie' and at the end of the 'King Creole' number Eddie exits with Forty Nina before Danny and can be seen with same white shirt as the picture above. Scene 133 (deleted) had Eddie and Nina dialogue/joke. The chap on the far left of frame with the glasses looks like one of the member's of the audience who enter the 'King Creole' club for the number 'New Orleans' and is met by Charlie and taken to his seat?

Elvis and Dolores Hart from the same day.
Unknown with back to camera, Hoyt Hawkins, Bill Black, Elvis, Ric Roman, Charles O'Curran, D.J. Fontana,Patti Page and Liliane Montevecchi.

Unknown, Hugh Jarrett, Elvis, Hoyt Hawkins, Neal Matthews and Dolores Hart.

Hal Wallis, Elvis, Michael Curtiz and Dean Jagger on location.
The scene being shot is where 'Danny' meets 'Mr. Fisher' at 'Maxie's' Courtyard,"It was an accident pa,I'm sorry honest, I tried to stop em, I did it for you." Page 46 of the book "Inside King Creole" book by Ger Rijff,JeanPaul Commandeur,Glen Johnson,the two lower picture's show the scene of Elvis leaving this location. In the left picture Red West can be seen leading the group in his (red) jacket and fresh crew cut.
726 St. Peters Street, New Orleans (scene 154)
Date : 3rd March 1958
On location, Elvis signs some autographs for waiting fans. This location was at Lake Pontchartrain Shack,New Orleans.
Note, Elvis is wearing a shirt not seen in the movie, so he is either arriving or departing the location.
Date : 4th March 1958.
Carolyn Jones and Elvis
Location was at Lake Pontchartrain Shack, New Orleans.
Date : 4th March 1958.
Location was at Lake Pontchartrain Shack, New Orleans.
Date : 4th March 1958.

The director Michael Curtiz and Elvis.
Location : Lake Pontchartrain Shack, New Orleans.
Date : 4th March 1958.
Hal Wallis,Carolyn Jones and Elvis during rehearsals.
Russell Harlen walks down the steps with camera flags, Elvis and Carolyn Jones foreground as Michael Curtiz and Hal Wallis look on.
Scene 189
Date 4th March 1958.

Carolyn Jones puts her arm out to help director Michael Curtiz down the steps as Elvis looks on.Date 4th March 1958.

Michael Curtiz looks through the camera viewfinder (far left) Russell Harlen cinematographer sat to the side of the camera.The technician holding the tape is checking the distance between the camera lens and the actor's face for focus. Elvis is having his arm looked at by the makeup department, and Carolyn Jones waits to shoot the scene. Scene 189.
Date : 4th March 1958.

Michael Curtiz sat with Carolyn jones and Elvis - 4th March 1958, same location as above.

Note: The book 'Inside King Creole' page 129-132 contains 13 photographs from this scene.

Elvis (Danny Fisher ) and Jan Shepard (Mimi Fisher) share a joke between takes at Paramount Studios, Hollywood.
Date : Tuesday 21st January 1958.

A publicity shot, with Elvis wearing the clothes used for "Don't Ask Me Why" production number.

A Publicity photo 19th February 1958

A young fan on the paramount set gets an autograph from Elvis, who is signing his name on the single release of Teddy Bear.
Elvis has the clothes on during scene 149, Danny packing as Charlie enters dressing room.
Date: Tuesday 4th February 1958.
The number 10216 seen in many photographs is a Paramount Pictures number for the movie 'King Creole'. The Paramount Pictures sheet which can be found further down (below image 31) the reference 'King Creole 10216' can be seen.

Yumi Shirakawa, Hideko Takamine, Elvis, Yoko Minamida, Misako Uji and Yumiko Hasegawa meeting Elvis (date unknown)


Liliane Montevecchi (in the clothes for the 'Banana' production number) in a publicity photograph with Elvis.
Geoffery Shurlock of the motion Picture Association, Inc who rated the movie wrote to Hal Wallis - in relation to the number "Banana" written by Roy C. Bennett and Sid Tepper
"No matter what you think,it is an offensive and pornographic number"
After a bit of research regarding the cut production numbers, I came across these images which are of Elvis performing the deleted(last few seconds excepted) ...'Hard Headed Woman' from King Creole. The guitar which Danny picks up at the start of the following number 'King Creole' can be seen next to Gordon Stoker.The other note is Elvis's shirt which dosn't have the stripes down the side (seen in the 'New Orleans' number) More confirmation that the song was filmed and then it seems to have been cut for reasons unknown.
Scene 130/131 'Hard Headed Woman'
Date : Wednesday 5th of February 1958.
Asked why the song was cut from the movie, Scotty Moore answered,"It might have had something to do with the royalties paid out to the songwriter.They (the Colonel and Bienstock) came down hard on the writers(with respect to the royalties that were paid out)***
Gordon Stoker : The studio would have had to pay more money if they used it.They can use so many bars and it doesn't cost anything.That was the reason.***


33.Hard Headed Woman Production number. Photographs are from Elvis INSIDE 'KING CREOLE' by Ger Rijff, JeanPaul Commandeur, Glen Johnson


Publicity photograph's used as poster's on the outside of the King Creole club. The scene's were shot on the Paramount back lot, as the "Bourbon Street" location on Friday the 21st of February 1958, which means the publicity shoot was done before this date.The shot of Elvis at the piano (10216 NPS-8) is from the same time frame as the first two in this section. Elvis has the same shirt on, and the Paramount Pictures ident numbers are from the same batch-although it look as though the back of Elvis's head been touched up.
10216 is King Creole ident No.

This picture is from 'Don't Ask Me Why' production number filmed on the 6th February (Scene 148) Jan Shepard is wearing clothes for Mimi's entrance to the King Creole club to view 'Hard Headed Woman'/'King Creole'(5th February).Dick Winslow(second from left) who played 'Eddie' is also seen in image's 17 and 18 wearing the same clothes. Paul Stewart who played Charlie LeGrand (left) is dressed,with the same tie, as seen in the scene with Mimi in the King Creole club (without his jacket on)for the production number 'Don't Ask Me Why'.
Patti Page is wearing(Image 37 below) the same clothes in image 17 and 18 (with Elvis wearing red shirt) and image 37 (with Elvis wearing Blue Jacket)
The reason for Jan Shepard and Dick Winslow wearing clothes from different scenes might be explained by the fact that on the 6th of February 'Don't Ask Me Why' was filmed and also pick ups for other numbers including 'Hard Headed Woman and 'King Creole' (hence Jan's and Dick's clothes)
For the moment this would date images 16/17/17A/18/19 and 35/36/37/38 as all from around the 6th February 1958,but I'm still looking into this.

Patti Page (who was married to musical stager Charles O'Curran) and Elvis. Date 6th February 1958. Paramount Studios.

Carolyn Jones and Elvis in between takes at the time of scene 4/5/6/7 at the Blue Shade Club, when Elvis sings "Steadfast Loyal and True"
Date : Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th 1958,at Paramount Studios,Stage 5 set 9.

***Elvis Frame by Frame by Bill Bram
**From ETMAHM No. 62
(*)Updated confirmed date
+ Originally found in the "Inside King Creole" book by Ger Rijff,JeanPaul Commandeur,Glen Johnson
.. Improved quality,and are the same images,except p29a which is a new addition -thanks to Rijff & Roy found in the topic Rijff 'n' Roy Present "Elvis Echoes Of The Past"- part 1