Will Hollywood save Elvis? (1960 magazine article)

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Will Hollywood save Elvis? (1960 magazine article)

Post by The fool »

From the October 1960 issue of Movie-TV Tattler magazine.
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Re: Will Hollywood save Elvis? (1960 magazine article)

Post by The fool »

The last two pages...
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Re: Will Hollywood save Elvis? (1960 magazine article)

Post by drjohncarpenter »

Another fascinating article, thank you for posting it, The fool.

Insights in the text include:
Elvis' only chance to remain King of the Pop Singers is to become a big movie star.
Did Tom Parker write this?
After that [G.I. Blues], if Elvis' popularity holds strong, Hal Wallis will put him in "Rodeo" at Paramount, and then he'll loan him to 20th Century-Fox for the Dick Powell production of "Solo."
I have no idea what the first film became, but the second is almost certainly the 1958 film "The Hunters," starring Robert Mitchum, Robert Wagner and Richard Egan.

It was both produced and directed by Dick Powell: The Hunters (20th Century-Fox, August 1958).

Obviously, some of this article is rehashed from old press. Note elsewhere the part about Elvis saying he never smiles -- that's a well-known quote from 1956. Also, these photos are new to my eyes:

5705xx_at MGM Studios.JPG
May 1957, at MGM Studios
This may be the mail he got after he went to the hospital to remove a tooth cap from his lung.

570501_at MGM soundstage DETAIL.JPG
570501_at MGM soundstage.JPG
On the MGM sound stage, May 1, 1957
With the Jordanaires, Dudley Brooks (piano), MGM executives

570600_w Ann Neyland at MGM Studios.JPG
June 1957, with Ann Neyland at MGM
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Re: Will Hollywood save Elvis? (1960 magazine article)

Post by George Smith »

Another fabulous post, the Fool, thank you.

Surely this is most ironic magazine title ever!

Interesting to see Elvis' love of hymns mentioned in the lead up to the Gospel sessions later that year.

The picture from the 'Jailhouse Rock' sessions is wonderful (thanks, John): it conjures up the legendary scene from those sessions where Elvis and the Jordanaires gathered around the piano singing Gospel songs before being halted by the powers that be.

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Re: Will Hollywood save Elvis? (1960 magazine article)

Post by rjm »

Fascinating piece. Many thanks! (The ads are kinda wild in retrospect. Just look around that last page.)

But, you nailed it George: the title is kind of unsettling. But I think he saw it coming. Just hoped for the best.


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Re: Will Hollywood save Elvis? (1960 magazine article)

Post by jinjoe »

many thanks for sharing

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Re: Will Hollywood save Elvis? (1960 magazine article)

Post by rjm »

Those old mags are SO cool. The ads kill me.

The untold story of Fidel Castro's true love affairs is that he was getting bald, and VERY worried about someone's period being delayed. :shock: All that on top of ugly nails.
The man had the trials of Job!


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Re: Will Hollywood save Elvis? (1960 magazine article)

Post by hilton22000 »

Another great magazine, thank you very much! Very interesting article, and some wonderful photos :smt006