onelove wrote:@Stevenson - thanks for your comment.
We're looking for photos from ALL of Elvis' photo shoot sessions - you can see the listings for what we have on the site, there's photos from essentially every single photo session for each movie and the stuff in-between (the "publicity photo shoots").
What comes to the actual photos, we try to put up shots that are as uncropped/complete as possible and of course in as good quality as possible. Sometimes we have to take a lesser quality more uncropped shot of a specific photo over a better quality but more cropped version. The size of the photos is not super important, they don't have to be massive - the site is more for reference at this stage than a place where you can find everything in best possible quality. And we try to avoid having doubles in as it would just make it look like a mess, we try to keep the site at least somewhat 'clean' looking.
You can post any photos you wish either on this topic or send us an email through the "credits" section on our site. Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you for the info! I'll share what I have through e-mail.