A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

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A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by fecc-mechanic »

After moving the forum, having it crash, and moving it again - (and having it crash) - in little over a month it has made me realize one thing as a techie.


The forum as we know it now has been patched together with code since 2003. And it's barely holding on.

What I propose, and see as the best step forward is closing the forum as we know it, making it a read only archive, and moving to a new installation from the latest branch of phpbb.

I had thought that maybe we could upgrade and migrate everything over. But tests in my "home lab" show that to be much worse than what we are dealing with now.

A new, clean installation would provide the groundwork for using the latest technologies such as the 8.X branch of PHP, amongst others. A much faster experience, and a safer one as the branch of PHP our forum depends on is retiring for SEC reasons.

What does this mean for you?

Your username and profile information will be moved, but we will be working from a clean (fast) slate.

What about all the old topics?

They will be archived right here, and you are more than welcome to pick up where you left off - on the new forum.

What do I need to do (if anything)?

Upon logging into the new forum you may be asked for a new password. If at all. Just a heads up.

But whyyyyyyy is this happening? I don't like change. That Jordan guy is stupid (but I still love Rob)

As technology changes so must we. Our forum is not, and I repeat NOT going to make it much longer with its current technology. And rather than risk it all, this is the best approach in my opinion. Nothing will be lost in its current form, just archived as "ready only"..

All the best from Memphis,

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by Johnny2523 »

Im totally okay with this, what are some of the new perks? As i imagine there are some new things on a brand new one

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by fecc-mechanic »

Johnny2523 wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 8:20 pm
Im totally okay with this, what are some of the new perks? As i imagine there are some new things on a brand new one
Oh yes. Speed being one. And the continued ability to have the software get updates without having a panic attack. MOREmods (modifications that drop in, no messing with code). This branch runs on an almost dead version of the PHP scripting language. Upgrading will ensure that the forum will always be compatible with the latest technology. A good rundown is on the https://www.phpb.com website

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by BrianTCB »

I'm fine with this. I'm surprised it wasn't done sooner, but I understand the reasons why. Let's look to the future for FECC with much better, and much more upgraded technology!!

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by fecc-mechanic »

It should have been. But, the system worked throughout the iterations of 5 and 7 PHP. Yet, the more modular - less hacky approach will be much better.

What I'm concerned about is the response to everything HERE being turned to read only and having a new forum that will be (at first) somewhat empty.

All the best from Memphis,

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by fecc-mechanic »

And l don't want people to think it's set in stone. I want to hear your opinions!

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by ForeverElvis »

Can a search function on the new forum search the old “read only” forum?

Users could create a same titled topic on the new forum and post a link to the old forum topic. This would bring that topic over and users could continue posting in the new forum under that “migrated” topic.

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by fecc-mechanic »

ForeverElvis wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:57 pm
Can a search function on the new forum search the old “read only” forum?

Users could create a same titled topic on the new forum and post a link to the old forum topic. This would bring that topic over and users could continue posting in the new forum under that “migrated” topic.
That may be beyond phpbb's capabilities. I'm trying to get the search back up and running here in the meantime.

All the best from Memphis,

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by BrianTCB »

Can we also give the new forum the ability to completely remove ignored users from your life? Instead of having them show up as they currently do? Basically 99% of all other forums do this - you ignore someone, and they are removed from your life for eternity. Instead of being a thorn in your side.

That would be cool. :wink:

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by elvis-fan »

I'll allow it... you may proceed... :smt045

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by pmp »

fecc-mechanic wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:06 pm
It should have been. But, the system worked throughout the iterations of 5 and 7 PHP. Yet, the more modular - less hacky approach will be much better.

What I'm concerned about is the response to everything HERE being turned to read only and having a new forum that will be (at first) somewhat empty.
It will be a shame to have everything on here as read only, but these things happen - and with a forum that's been around a couple of decades, it's going to happen sooner rather than later. After all, you'd struggle running a pc on windows 2000 now, wouldn't you - and even if it just about chugged along, you'd know that one day soon it won't. And I'm assuming the principle is the same. So, if it has to happen to keep the community together, then so be it.

My fear would be more about losing members and impetus. How many pop in here from time to time but might not bother getting used to a new home that is empty? I know that I've stopped using certain apps or websites when they have changed something drastic. That wouldn't happen in this case but I wouldn't want you to do all of this if the forum slowly fades away anyway because of it.

Which leads to the more sobering question of whether forums will still be a big part of our lives as more and more use Facebook groups etc. You'll be far more aware of what the traffic is like on here now compared to, say, five years ago, but I feel that younger fans might use social media rather than joining us. But my guess is that there's still enough traffic to warrant the big change or you wouldn't suggest doing the work! But I think that probably looking at those regular visitor figures and hazarding a guess as to where they might be in 5 years time might be worth doing and worth bearing in mind while you contemplate your options. On the other hand, of we get a new snazzy looking forum, will it bring in new members? Possibly, I guess.

That's a very depressing post, but just questions that probably need to be raised. I wouldn't want YOU doing the WORK only for the new fecc not to take off, if that makes sense.

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by Lee Wood »

Happy to accept whatever is best for the future.

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by peacock74 »

Sometimes the best things of the year happens at the end. Let's go!!

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by timothy_sideburns »

The current forum is one of the most valuable archives anywhere, on the life of Elvis Presley. Some of the threads on here contain research and knowledge that isn't anywhere else. So it has historical value. I think it would be shame that it becomes a static archive (rather than one that can be added to and updated as new information comes to light).

However, we have to be realistic. How often does "new information come to light" - we might get a handful of nuggets per year but it's diminishing returns as the years move on. I would also say that as someone who used to run a PhPbb forum for a large public organisation I do understand the ballache in keeping the very basics functional. If this action is what you've concluded, after testing and research then I am very happy to support what you think is best for the future.

My hopes would be that the old forum is -
- named in such a way as to reflect it's usefulness to future researchers and fans ( it is about so much more than CD collecting)
- fully searchable
- easy to link across to - in new posts that might reference old forum posts

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by fecc-mechanic »

Things have taken a turn for the better. While this is not on the "war room - right now" heading it was 24 hours ago; it will still happen. In some manner.

We'll knock out to human error at this point.

All the best from Memphis,

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by Rob »

Don't you worry, darling, I'll be there.

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by Scarre »

I admit that I don't know much about running a site like this. I do, however, trust you when you say that a change is unavoidable. You have this message boards best interest in mind, so do what you think is best...you have my vote.

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by fecc-mechanic »

Thank you.
I have to admit this site isn't on as "shaky ground" as it was when I wrote this topic. So this lets me upgrade the forum in a more traditional manner. instead of an archive, we MAY be able to just keep this bad-boy running (but on upgraded software). That is the unknown variable. If the site can be upgraded "as is". If so, then our problems will be gone (and on a much steadier software platform). If not - than there is always a "plan b". I look at FECC as an artifact, and I as a museum curator. There is so much history and information here, that I will do everything with FECC"s best interests at heart.

All the best from Memphis,

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by TCB Band »

fecc-mechanic wrote:
Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:51 pm
Thank you.
I have to admit this site isn't on as "shaky ground" as it was when I wrote this topic. So this lets me upgrade the forum in a more traditional manner. instead of an archive, we MAY be able to just keep this bad-boy running (but on upgraded software). That is the unknown variable. If the site can be upgraded "as is". If so, then our problems will be gone (and on a much steadier software platform). If not - than there is always a "plan b". I look at FECC as an artifact, and I as a museum curator. There is so much history and information here, that I will do everything with FECC"s best interests at heart.
Good afternoon @fecc-mechanic, I haven't had a chance to be on the forum as much as I'd like (meaning not much at all) since mid-August or so; therefore, I am just seeing this thread now. And even then, it was an accident as I found myself looking for the search button to try to find people's opinions on a couple of somewhat recent album releases. So, just for clarification, the current consensus is we might not have to make a read-only archive because of new and different software that can preserve the forum as it stands now? I'm also a member of another forum that uses older technology that has caused it some problems on-and-off, so the general concept isn't entirely new to me. Thanks!!

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Re: A new radical way of thinking - FECC's future

Post by fecc-mechanic »

TCB Band wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:34 pm
fecc-mechanic wrote:
Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:51 pm
Thank you.
I have to admit this site isn't on as "shaky ground" as it was when I wrote this topic. So this lets me upgrade the forum in a more traditional manner. instead of an archive, we MAY be able to just keep this bad-boy running (but on upgraded software). That is the unknown variable. If the site can be upgraded "as is". If so, then our problems will be gone (and on a much steadier software platform). If not - than there is always a "plan b". I look at FECC as an artifact, and I as a museum curator. There is so much history and information here, that I will do everything with FECC"s best interests at heart.
Good afternoon @fecc-mechanic, I haven't had a chance to be on the forum as much as I'd like (meaning not much at all) since mid-August or so; therefore, I am just seeing this thread now. And even then, it was an accident as I found myself looking for the search button to try to find people's opinions on a couple of somewhat recent album releases. So, just for clarification, the current consensus is we might not have to make a read-only archive because of new and different software that can preserve the forum as it stands now? I'm also a member of another forum that uses older technology that has caused it some problems on-and-off, so the general concept isn't entirely new to me. Thanks!!
Good afternoon!
You arre correct. WE will NOT have a read only archive. The search function is temporarily disabled due to the events of the last few days. But, it will be back soon (fingers crossed as always). WE may have some bumps in the road. But I have relocated our backup servers geographically....

All the best from Memphis,

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