Polish magazines

'This is a forum for those interested in the vast amount of worldwide publications that Elvis has featured on through the years right up to the present day. Avoiding specialist publications such as "Elvis Monthly", "Strictly Elvis" etc, we will enable to share a gallery of global magazine covers featuring the King. Country, year or subject matter of the publication does not matter, even if Elvis was featured on the cover of "Russian farming today", let's see it! You may also wish to discuss how you located this publication and the contents within.'

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Polish magazines

Post by The fool »

This one was published in 1958.
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Re: Polish magazines

Post by Tony.. »

Good Lord! That's a rare and unusual one. Thanks for posting.

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Re: Polish magazines

Post by Tomek »

But it looks like there's not too much about Elvis himself in that magazine (i just read on the cover thou).
Theres a little sign on the right side "On the cover photo of Elvis Presley" :-)

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Re: Polish magazines

Post by Stevenson »

Hi there!

I just thought I'll share a few Polish Music Magazines with you.

They're from 1997-2002 period and most of them were issued with accompanying CD(s). I'm not an expert, but I think due to Public Domain rights (which were applied in Poland about the year 2000), there were no problems with pressing and issuing CDs. I think Czech label Memory Records was able to issue their CDs based on the same law. Anyway... I have scanned whole magazines with everything that was there about Elvis, but I'm too lazy to put them here. I'll post only covers (with some informations), but for those who would like to "flip through" the magazines, I'll provide link for external photo archive. So, let's get started!

Selles Music Magazine "Pop" No.2 (1997) with CD containing live recordings:

Selles Music Magazine "Mix" - "Special edition" December 1997 with 2 CDs, only 1 CD with selection of Elvis' Christmas & Gospel Songs:

A year or two later this magazine was reissued with slightly modified cover, different song selection. This re-release also excluded articles on other artists and focused only on Elvis, so in another link you can see, what's new in this magazine.
Front cover and song selections:
Image Image

Selles Music Magazine "Mix" No. 4 (so probably from 1998 - can't remember, sorry) with 2 CDs:
In this magazine focusing on Country Music in general there is no article about Elvis solely, but he's mentioned in text anyway.
Cover doesn't have any Elvis picture and the only one picture of Elvis is in an advertisement:
Image Image Image

Selles Music Magazine "Mix" No. 9/10 (September/October 1998) with 2 CDs:
Front cover and song selections:
Image Image

Selles Music Magazine "Pop" No. 23 with 1 CD:
Front cover and song selections:
Image Image

Selles Music Magazine "Pop" No. 25 with 1 CD:
Front cover and song selections:
Image Image

There was another issue, focusing on years 1958-60 (with 1 CD), but I don't have it.

Later on there were short articles on Elvis included in different issues of the same Selles Music Magazine but without Elvis CD. Cover of one of the magazines was like this (had Elvis' name on it):

Here are covers for other Polish magazines:

Złote Przeboje (Golden Hits), May 2000 with 1 CD (unfortunately Elvis songs sung by cover band "The Soundalikes" :smt013 )
Front & back cover:
Image Image

Focus, September 2002 focusing (no pun intended :D ) on 25th anniversary of E's death.
Cover & first page of article:
Image Image

Easy English, 1999
Front cover & first page of article:
Image Image

Gazeta Wyborcza, April 21, 2006:

And, last but not least, perhaps the most interesting magazine: Multimedial Encyclopedias, issued in 2000 (I think).
The front cover says: "Full discography - 10 hours of music!". There is a CD attached to this magazine which - one might think - contains this "10 hours of music". And it's ALMOST true. CD contains a program divided in three categories: (1) music corner, (2) discography, (3) history. History is of course E's biography (very short in encyclopedical style, but with photos); discography contains informaton on every record by Elvis: date, signature, tracklist, album cover etc. So this fix the "full discography" part. Music corner bases on discography and plays Elvis songs, but not every (it's certainly not 10 hours of music). It has a lot (probably 200-300) full Elvis songs, but in quite poor quality: bitrate isn't high and sometimes song ends few seconds earlier (during the fade out). I suppose it is determined to "push" as much songs as possible. Heh, I wrote here a lot of informations but I'm quite sure, it sounds complicated. So, below I'm including link to download this program in ZIP archive (unpack, run "start.exe"). http://www.mediafire.com/download/gf5fp1lrvp27j44/EP.zip
The magazine itself contains the same material as on CD - biography with photos and discography.

So, it's all I have... In case anybody interested, here is the link to scans of full magazines: http://postimg.org/gallery/1v1atzmx0/
Happy reading! :)

When your heart gets restless - time to move along,
When your heart gets weary - time to sing a song,
But when a dream is calling you
There's just one thing that you can do...

Follow That Dream (1961)