Forum Suggestion

Here you can post your review!!
Or direct your thoughts towards facts & details of Elvis' Records/Films/Magazines & Trivia

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Forum Suggestion

Post by KiwiAlan »

If bootlegs are included this could lead to over a thousand different threads or albums - which will make it rather difficult to find a paticular release.

If different country variations are to be separate threads, eg Elvis Golden Records (USA) against the UK version, or Japenese versions per se then we will really be up the creek.

So should this be just confined to USA RCA releases only?

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by fecc-mechanic »

I'm half tempted to suggest separate subforums in this section -
One for boots, one for usa releases, one for overseas releases - dvd's etc etc.
Should make it appear alot more clean.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by ekenee »

And how will we know if someone posting a review is really posting a review , and not just posting a commerical for their product or for someone as a favor? The overly positive bias reviews are what I don't want to see here.
I want a review that is truthful, so that is some cases I could save my money if the product is not worth it.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by ColinB »

fecc-mechanic wrote:I'm half tempted to suggest separate subforums in this section -
One for boots, one for usa releases, one for overseas releases - dvd's etc etc.
Should make it appear alot more clean.
The US releases rarely differ from the UK ones.

In my review of Elvis Country I just went through the tracks, so it applies to both countries.

I guess differences in tracklisting [like on his first album] could be mentioned in any review.

Don't really see the point in separate subforums for US & overseas releases...

Colin B
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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by dreambear »

And I wonder where to put the last album polls? There´s a few left to be done.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Hav-A-Tampa »

What about the following subsections:

Offical RCA/BMG/FTD releases

Wouldn't that cover just about everything? I agree there's not really any need for a foreign releases section, those with different track listing can be discussed in their "main" threads.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by ColinB »

dreambear wrote:And I wonder where to put the last album polls? There´s a few left to be done.
Whilst they are great fun, I never felt they quite 'belonged' in the Review Section !

I'm sure they will feel at home in All Elvis !

Colin B
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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Gregory Nolan Jr. »

Thank you.

With all due respect, Dreambear, while the "Review" section had troubles from the beginning (mostly being ignored), it at least had some focus.

The polls had little business here but would work fine in "ALL ELVIS".
fecc-mechanic wrote:I'm half tempted to suggest separate subforums in this section -
One for boots, one for usa releases, one for overseas releases - dvd's etc etc.
Should make it appear alot more clean.

Precisely. And then an effort to somehow (somehow!) tie in past threads dedicated to these imports and FTD's. It's probably impossible or too much work but I'd love all those specific threads dedicated to this or that 2001 / Audionics release now tabbed along with the respective album.

Even if it's just a link to those prior threads.
Hav-A-Tampa wrote:What about the following subsections:

Offical RCA/BMG/FTD releases

Wouldn't that cover just about everything? I agree there's not really any need for a foreign releases section, those with different track listing can be discussed in their "main" threads.

Very good!

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by kuenzer »

Hav-A-Tampa wrote:What about the following subsections:

Offical RCA/BMG/FTD releases

Wouldn't that cover just about everything? I agree there's not really any need for a foreign releases section, those with different track listing can be discussed in their "main" threads.
Makes perfect sense.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Gregory Nolan Jr. »

fecc-mechanic wrote:I'm half tempted to suggest separate subforums in this section -
One for boots, one for usa releases, one for overseas releases - dvd's etc etc.
Should make it appear alot more clean.

How about you start but putting either consolidating the polls into respective threads on particular albums (boot or RCA or FTD, etc.) or even moving them into "All ELVIS" if they are not especially good?

I like how the forum looks right now (including its prominent spot) but it's cluttered with polls that detract from the album emphasis.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by KiwiAlan »

Gregory Nolan Jr. wrote:
fecc-mechanic wrote:I'm half tempted to suggest separate subforums in this section -
One for boots, one for usa releases, one for overseas releases - dvd's etc etc.
Should make it appear alot more clean.

How about you start but putting either consolidating the polls into respective threads on particular albums (boot or RCA or FTD, etc.) or even moving them into "All ELVIS" if they are not especially good?

I like how the forum looks right now (including its prominent spot) but it's cluttered with polls that detract from the album emphasis.
Why don't we just deep six the album polls for good - eliminate the existing ones and any future could be incorporated under the album review.

The "best song on...." polls serve no usefull purpose being purely speculative andd as Greg points out they take the focus away from the excellent (so far) review threads.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Gregory Nolan Jr. »

Thank you, KIwi: I thought it was just me and maybe a few others who have had the same reaction.

As much as they might be conversation starters, these polls pale in comparison to a real review that covers every aspect of an album. As a result, they are too limiting and also rather trivial with their game aspect of naming the "best song" on this or that album.

Let's see some action on this.


Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Matthew »

Gregory Nolan Jr. wrote:Let's see some action on this.
Let's not.

Dreambear's polls have been discussion points for songs and believe or not many board members here have enjoyed and indeed continue to enjoy them. There is no good reason to get rid of them and I look forward to Dreambear completing what he begun. If anything the mods should increase the number of polling options.

Man, how serious do things need to get around here before the heart drops out of the place. These polls do nothing to detract from album reviews.

I also don't see the point of changing the title of this section either - it was fine the way it was. We have a functioning search tab if people wish to dig out the (many) views and opinions of various Elvis titles that are archived on this forum. I know, I've used it to great reward.


Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Matthew »

There is an extensive thread on the Steve Hoffman forum detailing Elvis' albums - its coming on 1,200 posts and still going.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by dreambear »


Well, there´s just a few polls left to do. If they will be removed, I will put the next few polls there (all Elvis?). Otherwise I will finish them here. The important thing is to have them collected.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Justin »

Is there anyway that the official album reviews could be made as chronological order of release? I mean, can we have some organization in this section? All these forums/sections are acting like simple repositories for posts....there is no clean and succint organization within this forum. Sure someone can search for these...but I think all the official releases (studio and live stuff) deserve to be stuck on top of the page for easy finding. For all the work people put into reviewing and providing pictures and should be made readily available for anyone who comes into the thread upon entrance.

I'm glad we have this section but to me it's just a free-for-all (like the rest of the board) and I think this section should be treated much differently than the others. This section is for information and research (to say the least). Proper organization is expected.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by KiwiAlan »

Yes - stickies please.

Perhpas each review could be prefaced by year originally released - this would keep it in some sort of order.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Matthew »

If stickies are made of every album it would take up pages of space.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Justin »

So what? No stickies and then it would be a big pile of posts that would be an absolute headache to sift through. Putting his official releases on the top of the page is only logical. The LP material is the reason Elvis is Elvis...the reason we buy and collect them and the REASON for this board.

Putting them up top makes them visible and would deter people from starting a new thread for the same album...therefore eliminating double posts.

If we can't even have this....I'm afraid finding a post in this section would eventually become like finding a needle in a haystack.


Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Matthew »

Its worked perfectly well for years. If you sticky dozens of albums the whole first page will be the same old stuff. This is a discussion forum, not a review database - there are other sections of the website dedicated to that purpose.

Instead a sub-forum to the main review forum that focuses purely on original albums would satisfy this need of yours without clogging up this section with dozens of sticky threads.

And its Elvis voice and his use of it that is the reason Elvis is Elvis - not his LPs.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Justin »

Hmm...and how did masses recieve his voice? Where else could we hear that voice? What was the outlet?....his LP's. His voice was an integral part--no doubt about it...but it were his releases were just as important.

Don't worry, Matthew, you'll still have your "mom and pop store" kind of messageboard. I doubt the moderators or anyone else will make the radical changes we are suggesting like stickies and some organization.

I would like this section to be exempt from the rest of the board with a design and lay out of its own. So much great information is passed around and thrown around daily on this board and it literally slips by and falls farther away in the huge pile of posts. To me, it's a complete waste. The search feature is not exactly precise and something to depend on when you are in a rush for information.

The rest of the board, can remain as an open playground for users to do WHATEVER they please but I think that this section should have some kind of structure and formality to it. I'm not sure how or why that will suck the fun out of anything...but don't I said...I'm pretty sure everything will just stay the same.


Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Matthew »

Elvis released a lot of LPs during his lifetime - but he was not an LP artist. His singles made him famous. Perhaps we should sticky all the original singles as well since in reality these are more important than the LPs he released.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Gregory Nolan Jr. »

I agree with IMET: organization is much needed in this forum at least. Your comments here are tremendously on-target. That Sinatra forum manages to groups his albums in orderly fashion and one can comment forever and ever on each one as the case may be.

And I don't buy the concept that Elvis didn't do fantastic albums. That's a Rolling Stone/ Beatle "rockist" -oriented argument that doesn't hold water when you evaluate his albums on their merits -never mind their sales.

It seems the argument is that Elvis was not even worthy of album reviews. That's absurd: tell that to Peter Guralnick, Dave Marsh and anyone else who ever took his career seriously as it happened...and people today such as LTB and Rockin' Rebel, whose musings are among the best on Elvis' releases.

As for the polls, there's no disrespect meant towards them but this is a definition of a review:
–noun 1. a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital, or the like; critique; evaluation.
2. the process of going over a subject again in study or recitation in order to fix it in the memory or summarize the facts.
3. an exercise designed or intended for study of this kind.
4. a general survey of something, esp. in words; a report or account of something.
5. an inspection or examination by viewing, esp. a formal inspection of any military or naval force, parade, or the like.
6. a periodical publication containing articles on current events or affairs, books, art, etc.: a literary review.
7. a judicial reexamination, as by a higher court, of the decision or proceedings in a case.
8. a second or repeated view of something.
9. a viewing of the past; contemplation or consideration of past events, circumstances, or facts.
10. Bridge. a recapitulation of the bids made by all players.
11. Theater. revue.
–verb (used with object) 12. to go over (lessons, studies, work, etc.) in review.
13. to view, look at, or look over again.
14. to inspect, esp. formally or officially: to review the troops.
15. to survey mentally; take a survey of: to review the situation.
16. to discuss (a book, play, etc.) in a critical review; write a critical report upon.
17. to look back upon; view retrospectively.
18. to present a survey of in speech or writing.
19. Law. to reexamine judicially: a decision to review the case.
20. Bridge. to repeat and summarize (all bids made by the players).
–verb (used without object) 21. to write reviews; review books, movies, etc., as for a newspaper or periodical: He reviews for some small-town newspaper.

And here it is for a "POLL"
–noun 1. a sampling or collection of opinions on a subject, taken from either a selected or a random group of persons, as for the purpose of analysis.
2. Usually, polls. the place where votes are taken.
3. the registering of votes, as at an election.
4. the voting at an election.
5. the number of votes cast.
6. the numerical result of the voting.
7. an enumeration or a list of individuals, as for purposes of taxing or voting.
8. poll tax.
9. a person or individual in a number or list.
10. the head, esp. the part of it on which the hair grows.
11. the back of the head.
12. the rear portion of the head of a horse; the nape.
13. the part of the head between the ears of certain animals, as the horse and cow.
14. the broad end or face of a hammer.
–verb (used with object) 15. to take a sampling of the attitudes or opinions of.
16. to receive at the polls, as votes.
17. to enroll (someone) in a list or register, as for purposes of taxing or voting.
18. to take or register the votes of (persons).
19. to deposit or cast at the polls, as a vote.
20. to bring to the polls, as voters.
21. to cut short or cut off the hair, wool, etc., of (an animal); crop; clip; shear.
22. to cut short or cut off (hair, wool, etc.).
23. to cut off the top of (a tree); pollard.
24. to cut off or cut short the horns of (cattle).
–verb (used without object) 25. to vote at the polls; give one's vote.


1250–1300; ME polle (hair of the) head < MLG: hair of the head, top of a tree or other plant; akin to Dan puld, Sw pull crown of the head

There's a difference so polls can either be in "ALL-Elvis" or even their own section.

It's undeniable that they changed the character of what had been designed as a review section.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Gregory Nolan Jr. »

I see also a bunch of fine reviews by one "Shane Brown" have been deleted from this forum.

Why do this? No matter the person's later offenses, a bunch of once great threads (usually an album title followed by "revisited") are now rendered meaningless.

This forum needs a lot of work.

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Re: Forum Suggestion

Post by Justin »

Yes, thanks Greg...I was wondering how many members here actually cared for this section of the board!

It needs a lot of work, indeed...which is probably why we'll never see our suggestions come to fruition.