can some one pl. send me a review on a dvd entitled -The Buffalo Rehearsal . from April 4th 1972. if this is available on dvd .
i need to know the running time of this Rehearsal ., visual quality , and let me know if tis has timers on screen .
much aprreciated .
and if this is available can soem one please send me a cover of it as well. thanx in advance -
so you return karlos, did you forget something at all karlos! I have the dvd correctly mentioned by matt, as in not what you are expecting, but i seem to be waiting 3 years now karlos from you to honour a deal?
so sorry for not contacting y- all .- i have beeen very ill over the past few months - so sorry for this - i have had breathing probs and all - i have lost weight etc -
im still interested in ELVIS -
i hope that we can be mates 4 ever .