There was a 'bum' note at the end of 2001 Theme as it went into C C Rider and also the same 'bum' note during Burning Love (it was hard to figure who was at fault, either James Burton or the Electric Piano player).
My only other gripe was that they should drop Love Me Tender, the sound on this is quite bad (coming from the original mono source...complete with hiss)..as the Aloha From Hawaii, 68 TV Special and TTWII SE songs used have all been remastered both visually and audio wise it becomes very noticeable as soon as Elvis starts doing his 'faulty' microphone routine (sounds like he's talking in a tin can!). As Elvis sings Love Me Tender you can hear his vocal channel cutting in and out (obviously to cut out crowd noise from the Las Vegas audience)...but what you end up with is Elvis vocal (complete with hiss) cutting in and out as the song trugs along.
I don't think it was intentional but it was good to hear at least 10 feedbacks during the show...Elvis would have loved that....just like a real Elvis show

Overall a worthwhile show (the above gripes aside).
The 'exhibition' was a welcome addition, a bit difficult to take photos though as there is a lot of glass reflection, FLASH photography is not allowed and the security guys (who are everywhere) are pretty hot on those offenders not disabeling the flash on their cameras.
Here are some shots I took;-