Just got this cd the other day and was finally able to listen to it last night. First impressions? Very good sound quality and it was fun to listen to Elvis and his band run through the songs they were going to do during the upcoming tour. The booklet says that Elvis sang "The first time I ever saw your face" only once during the April tour? Boy thats a show I would have loved to hear and I wish I knew what show he sang it on. Elvis though you could tell was having a good time during this rehersal and he was very laid back. I only wish he would have kept trying with "You gave me a mountain" but after 2 false starts he gave up on it. That being said............
This was another fine release by the now defunct Madison lable and I cant wait to get my hands on the 5th cd "Rock My Soul" to complete my Madison On Tour collection. Its to bad the company called it quits because they delievered some fine cd's with excellent artwork and so fourth and they are a company FTD and Sony should learn from. Its also to bad Madison wasnt able to give us a complete Hampton Roads show on cd but oh well I have the excellent Triangle release which satisfies me until Sony or FTD gets around to releasing it, thats if they ever will.
But an excellent On Tour release from Madison and now all I need is "Rock My Soul" to close things out.
Steve1971 wrote:The booklet says that Elvis sang "The first time I ever saw your face" only once during the April tour? Boy thats a show I would have loved to hear and I wish I knew what show he sang it on.
Steve1971 wrote:The booklet says that Elvis sang "The first time I ever saw your face" only once during the April tour? Boy thats a show I would have loved to hear and I wish I knew what show he sang it on.
Albuquerque, NM -- April 19, 1972
Thanks Rob for the info! Like I said I only wish Madison were able to give us a complete Hampton Roads concert but as I also said the Triangle release will have to do for now until Sony or FTD decides to release it. But if they dont the heck with them because we have 2 great shows from Madison, the Triangle Hampton show and the sub par sounding Texas show from BMG/Sony. I guess we should be happy with everything we can get our hands on.