Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969

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Best track on "Elvis in person at the..." LP 1969

Poll ended at Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:33 pm

Blues suede shoes
No votes
Johnny B. Good
Hound dog
No votes
I can´t stop loving you
No votes
My babe
Mystery train/Tiger man
In the ghetto
No votes
Suspicious minds
Can´t help falling in love
No votes
Total votes: 27

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Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969

Post by dreambear »

Hi again! It´s been a while but here we go again. I know that the single LP of "In person" wasn´t released as a single album until 1970, but here I will take the opportunity to split the double LP into two pieces. "Back in Memphis" will follow soon...I hope. This is a tremendious, hard rocking album, and I prefer the harder tunes on this album. James is high up in the mix. The only complain I have is the use of typical stereo separation of the time. Two tracks have to go: On "Are you lonesome tonight", Elvis sounds a bit raw. The studio master is of course unbeatable, but I even prefer the version from Hampton roads in 1972. The other track is difficult. Hound dog is saved by it´s blistering solo from James Burton. So "All shook up" is the second track to leave us. I kind of like the energy level of "Blue suede shoes", but the version of "Johnny B. Good" is even better. "I can´t stop loving you" would be better in the near future. "My babe" and the medley of "Mystery train/Tiger man" are my two favourites on this album. They kick ass! I prefer the 1970 versions of "Words". In the ghetto has no chance compared to the studio master. Suspicious minds" was probably a highlight to the audiences, but on disc, it suffers compared to the studio recording. "Can´t help falling in love" is still ok done, but again Elvis´ voice is a bit rough, compared to the NBC version.

My own vote will go to "My babe"!

Vote on and have a nice day!



Post by Rob »

I've always liked this particular version of "Johnny B. Goode." It gets my vote.

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Post by dreambear »

Rob wrote:I've always liked this particular version of "Johnny B. Goode." It gets my vote.
It´s good. But one thing that annoys me is that Elvis refused to learn the lyrics to the second verse:

"He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack
Or sit beneath the tree by the railroad track
Oh an engineer could see him sitting in the shade
Strummin' to the rhythm that the drivers made
People passing by they'd stop and say
Oh my but that little country boy can play"

It´s the same story with "Proud Mary"


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Post by ColinB »

dreambear wrote:It´s good. But one thing that annoys me is that Elvis refused to learn the lyrics to the second verse:

"He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack
Or sit beneath the tree by the railroad track...
It's "Go sit beneath..."

Here's the whole thing:

Colin B
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Post by Delboy »

I'm with Rob on this one. This version of "Johnny B. Goode" absolutely smokes! 8) "MysteryTrain / Tiger Man" not far behind. 8)


Post by JerryNodak »

My vote went to Suspicious Minds. Of the officially released versions, this is my favorite.

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Post by Rich_TCB »

Suspicious Minds - the best live version ever released, PERIOD.



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Post by dreambear »

ColinB wrote:
dreambear wrote:It´s good. But one thing that annoys me is that Elvis refused to learn the lyrics to the second verse:

"He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack
Or sit beneath the tree by the railroad track...
It's "Go sit beneath..."

Here's the whole thing:
Correct! I´m sorry!



Post by JerryNodak »

Why do you assume he didn't know it? Perhaps he just chose not to sing it. There's no law that says you must sing a song exactly as written.

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Post by ColinB »

JerryNodak wrote:Why do you assume he didn't know it?
Perhaps he just chose not to sing it.
There's no law that says you must sing a song exactly as written.
I guess Dreambear was just annoyed that Elvis never sang the 2nd verse.

And he assumed this was because he didn't know it.

He could be right, of course.

Note to Spelly: No, I can't prove any of this.

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Post by dreambear »

ColinB wrote:
JerryNodak wrote:Why do you assume he didn't know it?
Perhaps he just chose not to sing it.
There's no law that says you must sing a song exactly as written.
I guess Dreambear was just annoyed that Elvis never sang the 2nd verse.

And he assumed this was because he didn't know it.

He could be right, of course.

Note to Spelly: No, I can't prove any of this.
Spot on Colin. But I don´t think this is the case with the "pill" line in "Good time Charlie´s got the blues"....It was to close to the bone I think.


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Post by Mike Eder »

Mystery Train-Tiger Man won, but this is an LP I like every track on. My Babe comes close.

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Post by ColinB »

dreambear wrote:Spot on Colin. But I don´t think this is the case with the "pill" line in "Good time Charlie´s got the blues"....It was to close to the bone I think.
I reckon you're right !

My understanding is that even the unedited master [1m 23s longer] doesn't have the 'pills' line in it............

Colin B
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Post by dreambear »

ColinB wrote:
dreambear wrote:Spot on Colin. But I don´t think this is the case with the "pill" line in "Good time Charlie´s got the blues"....It was to close to the bone I think.
I reckon you're right !

My understanding is that even the unedited master [1m 23s longer] doesn't have the 'pills' line in it............
I haven´t heard that one, but one guess is that is the guitar licks from James Burton that runs for 1 minute and 23 seconds, like a jam. But it´s just a guess.


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Post by ColinB »

dreambear wrote:
ColinB wrote:
dreambear wrote:Spot on Colin. But I don´t think this is the case with the "pill" line in "Good time Charlie´s got the blues"....It was to close to the bone I think.
I reckon you're right !

My understanding is that even the unedited master [1m 23s longer] doesn't have the 'pills' line in it............
I haven´t heard that one, but one guess is that is the guitar licks from James Burton that runs for 1 minute and 23 seconds, like a jam. But it´s just a guess.
It's not on any release that I know of.

But yes, probably it's just an extended instrumental on the bit we haven't heard..........

Colin B
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Post by Pete Dube »

I didn't vote, I just couldn't decide between the epic version of Suspicious Minds, and the blistering versions of Johnny B. Goode, My Babe and the Mystery Train-Tiger Man medley. I Can't Stop Loving You is also pretty tough on this album. It comes across as a blues rocker rather than a power ballad.

Regarding Proud Mary Elvis did start using the proper 2cnd verse beginning in '71.

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Re: Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969

Post by Marc Haegeman »

There isn't a bad track on this LP, but "Suspicious Minds" stands out. The best live version ever.

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Re: Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969

Post by Tony Trout »

The stand-out track for me would have to be "Suspicious Minds" with "Mystery Train"/"Tiger Man" coming in a very close second.....

"If the songs don't go over, we can do a medley of costumes!" - Elvis Presley (August 10, 1970 backstage in his dressing room before the first show of the August, 10, 1970/September 8, 1970 season in Vegas).

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Re: Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969

Post by Suspicious Minds »

I voted for Johnny B Goode. The best version by Elvis. JBG would have done well in the singles chart if it was released as a single. The live version of Suspicious Minds was to long on this album. Nearly 7 or 8 minutes long. If Elvis did not like SM he enjoyed this version.


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Re: Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969

Post by kuenzer »

My vote went to Johnny B Goode as well. It's raw.

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Re: Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969



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Re: Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969

Post by BigredG »

My vote went for My Babe - cool tune 8)

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Re: Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969

Post by sylvain »

Marc Haegeman wrote:There isn't a bad track on this LP, but "Suspicious Minds" stands out. The best live version ever.

I agree with this.

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Re: Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969

Post by bajo »

1) Johnny B.
2) My Baby
3) Mystery Train/Tiger Man
4) Suspicious Minds

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Re: Best track on "Elvis in Person at the..." LP 1969

Post by Lennart »

Voted for Mystery Train/Tiger Man but I could have chosen Johnny B. Goode!
Both are outstanding. While MT/TM still rocked ( most of the time ) right to the end, JBG is painful to listen to ( most of the time ) 75 -77.
Suspicious minds is better on the FTD "At the International" ( my personal opinion ) and those august 70 versions is the ultimate too me.
Not a bad track on this album, one of my alltime favorites since I got it back in 1976.
Well, it was the double album actually.

Nice poll on one of Elvis greatest albums!
