I really regret that I included those golden records serie in those polls, because all tracks are classics and I have to cut two songs away. This album aren´t better than volume 1, but it´s harder to remove two tracks because Elvis vocal delivery 60-62 was as solid as ever. A few tracks here are overplayed, and it´s easy to cut "It´s now or never", but the almost operatic ending makes that impossible (like Surrender). A few tracks aren´t big hits like "Anything that´s part of you" or "Fame and fortune", but the performances are remarkable. How do I decide which tracks that have to go. I always felt that "Stuck on you" was a solid track, but "too safe"....a kind of weaker version of "All shook up". "Good luck charm" is one of his biggest hits, but the lyrics is a bit childish. I prefer it´s cousin "She´s not you" instead. I know that the big hammer is gonna fall on me, because in this case I remove two good tracks. "I gotta know" is lightweight, but I can´t help sing-a-long to that song. The single His latest flame/Little sister must be one of the biggest mistakes done commercially together with Hound dog/Don´t be cruel and a few Beatles singles. My favourites are those two tracks together with "Anything...". Today it´s Little sister. What a rocker!!!
Vote on and don´t get too angry about the exclusions
Love all of them but Little Sister is My Favourite on the list.
I saw Elvis live in concert the year before he died. Even then, he was bigger than life, and had amazing charisma. Haven't seen anything like it since, ....until Adam.........Nocturnal 2010 No matter how old you are, no matter who you sleep with, no matter what color your skin is, we can all party together.” - Adam Lambert 2010
Hard to chose between FEEL SO BAD, ANYTHING and SHE´S NOT YOU. I finally took the latest because of the great "doo-wop" feeling. Great to see that almost all the tracks got at least one vote!
Love anything that's part of you ( great song with feeling ).
Fame and fortune is a beauty with true words
It's now or never & Are you lonesome tonight are million sellers and i guess that almost everyone knows these songs.
I gotta know is a nice song with very good work by the backup singers
Surrender is a little bit short but shows the strenght of his voice
His latest flame got a nice rythm and makes me smile
I feel so bad, She's not you and Little sister are... well he has made better songs but also worse...