Here we have one of Elvis biggest selling studio albums and the main reason why his career dropped in the midsixties. The singing on the album is splendid, but some of the songs left something to be desired. 14 tracks and that means thar 4 have to go . Ito eats is...excuse me... a stinker. The other three is a bit harder but my choices are "Aloha oe", "Moonlight swim" and "Island of love".
Here are some good songs too like the title track, "No more", "Hawaiian wedding song" etc, but no song is even close to the magical "Can´t help falling in love". It will get my vote.
"Can't Help Falling In Love" ........ OR ......... "Aloha 'Oe"
But since one of those is gone, you have my answer.
CHFIL is just ........ MAGICAL.
There is something ethereal about Elvis' voice on the "Blue Hawaii" album. Maybe it's the way he uses his lower register, at a time when it was truly resonant and sweet ..... or maybe it's something else. Every syllable and phoneme is perfect. But Elvis is able to somehow push it beyond even there. Every little quiver and caress of his voice is wondrous.
It is interesting to note that Andrea Bocelli has attempted "Can't Help Falling In Love", and while Celine Dion and others have expressed great admiration for his voice (and, indeed, it is a pretty remarkable voice), he doesn't come NEAR Elvis on this song. Granted, English isn't his first language, but his timing and phrasing is a joke next to Elvis'. Again ....... there is real magic here.
"Blue Hawaii", "No More", "Can’t Help Falling in Love", "Hawaiian Wedding Song", "Ku-U-I-Po", and even "Island of Love" … so many great tracks. After a long debate with myself, I have decided to go with the title track, because I can’t get enough of it.
Blue Hawaii was the first Elvis' album I ever bought. before I only had compiliations.
The album is magnificent and I truly love every single track. Even Ito Eats )))))
53310761 wrote:Can't Help falling in Love as I walked out the church to it on my wedding day, softie that I am.
Was the last song he ever sung??
Anyone tell me??
It was probably the last song He sang live Debbie, but the night before He Died it's said He had been singing songs and playing the Piano.
Elvis's cousin Billy Smith said in Elvis and the Memphis Mafia by Alanna Nash, that the last song Elvis sang was Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.
Blue Hawaii for Me.
I saw Elvis live in concert the year before he died. Even then, he was bigger than life, and had amazing charisma. Haven't seen anything like it since, ....until Adam.........Nocturnal 2010 No matter how old you are, no matter who you sleep with, no matter what color your skin is, we can all party together.” - Adam Lambert 2010
can't help falling in love.
and its not close.
there is really no rival to this timeless essential.
MAYBE the title track...but its a distant 2nd.
its stupid this song didnt go #1.
and its even more stupid it wasn't awarded a grammy.