It's hard to know what would happen if all these musicians were given the green light to do what they can to the PHS tracks.
I wonder could Laurence Olivier ,Marlon Brando,Robert De Niro,Jack Nicholson or Anthony Hopkins make Harum Scarum any better?
It's anyone's guess.
I think the answer to that question is a resounding no. Considering every actor you've mentioned has acted in films every bit as poor as Harum Scarum. But what's inherently wrong with this movie goes beyond what Elvis does on screen.
Thought so.
Now I'm sure there are cases where a remake of a bad song was better than the original.Is that the players and singers making it better? I'd think so.
"Well sir,to be honest with you,we just stumbled upon it." - 1954
a mess of polk salad wrote:Have we got a FTD version of the album?
Really? Well, yes we do. An earlier, single disc FTD. I assume it would have been two discs if it had come out later. Wouldn't have minded some more takes of Sand Castles.
I must have it somewhere but it can't be that good because I never play it. Like the movie though...
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Most pepple in the Elvis world do not play this album often because, save for a couple of songs, it is crap and thats a fact, though MikeFromHolland will tell you that a fact is only a opinion. lol
Polk is thanking you for expressing that you still don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion instead of showing pitty? FECC has gone really crazy now. I feel like Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
jerrynodak wrote:On a cold winter's night in North Dakota I can enjoy watching the movie and dream about a warmer place. The problem with the soundtrack isn't the musicians. It's the songs.
Yes, they are crap.
Have we learned a new word this weekend?
Greystoke wrote:
If that was Elvis’s attitude then he got the songs and films he deserved. Sounds like he was the Hollywood a-hole. In it for the money.
I don't believe any Elvis quote unless we have it on tape, to be honest. That said, Elvis was, I think, a rather unfortunate mix of naive and lazy. Naive in some of the contracts he signed and that he didn't realise he could get better material, but also lazy in just going along with the flow.
a mess of polk salad wrote:Have we got a FTD version of the album?
Really? Well, yes we do. An earlier, single disc FTD. I assume it would have been two discs if it had come out later. Wouldn't have minded some more takes of Sand Castles.
I must have it somewhere but it can't be that good because I never play it. Like the movie though...
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Most pepple in the Elvis world do not play this album often because, save for a couple of songs, it is crap and thats a fact, though MikeFromHolland will tell you that a fact is only a opinion. lol
Polk is thanking you for expressing that you still don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion instead of showing pitty? FECC has gone really crazy now. I feel like Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
Because in the Land of Delusion there are no facts only opinions. 1+1=2 Fact; nope just an opinion. Earth revolves around Sun Fact? Nope; just an opinion too. NYC on east coast of the USA.Fact- well if yoi are standing on your head looking at it in a mirror at noon on the 3rd Sat of June it isn't. Welcome to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
Hack n. 1. a person, esp. a professional, who surrenders individual independence, integrity, belief, etc., in return for money or other reward
a mess of polk salad wrote:Have we got a FTD version of the album?
Really? Well, yes we do. An earlier, single disc FTD. I assume it would have been two discs if it had come out later. Wouldn't have minded some more takes of Sand Castles.
I must have it somewhere but it can't be that good because I never play it. Like the movie though...
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Most pepple in the Elvis world do not play this album often because, save for a couple of songs, it is crap and thats a fact, though MikeFromHolland will tell you that a fact is only a opinion. lol
Polk is thanking you for expressing that you still don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion instead of showing pitty? FECC has gone really crazy now. I feel like Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
Because in the Land of Delusion there are no facts only opinions. 1+1=2 Fact; nope just an opinion. Earth revolves around Sun Fact? Nope; just an opinion too. NYC on east coast of the USA.Fact- well if yoi are standing on your head looking at it in a mirror at noon on the 3rd Sat of June it isn't. Welcome to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
a mess of polk salad wrote:Have we got a FTD version of the album?
Really? Well, yes we do. An earlier, single disc FTD. I assume it would have been two discs if it had come out later. Wouldn't have minded some more takes of Sand Castles.
I must have it somewhere but it can't be that good because I never play it. Like the movie though...
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Most pepple in the Elvis world do not play this album often because, save for a couple of songs, it is crap and thats a fact, though MikeFromHolland will tell you that a fact is only a opinion. lol
Polk is thanking you for expressing that you still don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion instead of showing pitty? FECC has gone really crazy now. I feel like Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
Because in the Land of Delusion there are no facts only opinions. 1+1=2 Fact; nope just an opinion. Earth revolves around Sun Fact? Nope; just an opinion too. NYC on east coast of the USA.Fact- well if yoi are standing on your head looking at it in a mirror at noon on the 3rd Sat of June it isn't. Welcome to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
What in the world are you going on about?
Don't ask. I don't want to know what's going on in that mind!
Juan Luis wrote:Elvis' at his worst, was much, much, better... in my opinion!
Don't get me wrong, I think both album and film are stinkers, but the thread wasn't created to discuss the worth of the album but the talent that was wasted on it. And a point of that was made not once, but twice, in the opening post. And yet the same old people then come along and turn it into a bashing session about the record instead of a discussion about the musicians. What I don't understand is that, if they hate the discussions about "category 3 and 4 material" so much, why don't they create their own bloody threads?!
Juan Luis wrote:Elvis' at his worst, was much, much, better... in my opinion!
Don't get me wrong, I think both album and film are stinkers, but the thread wasn't created to discuss the worth of the album but the talent that was wasted on it. And a point of that was made not once, but twice, in the opening post. And yet the same old people then come along and turn it into a bashing session about the record instead of a discussion about the musicians. What I don't understand is that, if they hate the discussions about "category 3 and 4 material" so much, why don't they create their own bloody threads?!
I'll take Elvis at his so called "worst" is better than most at their best.
That said, I cant believe we have another thread where Elvis is being trashed and dumped on. Opinions and facts about his life are one thing, over the top and hurtful comments only demean the man and work. Makes me scratch my head and wonder what Elvis would think of such a fan base.
Juan Luis wrote:Elvis' at his worst, was much, much, better... in my opinion!
Don't get me wrong, I think both album and film are stinkers, but the thread wasn't created to discuss the worth of the album but the talent that was wasted on it. And a point of that was made not once, but twice, in the opening post. And yet the same old people then come along and turn it into a bashing session about the record instead of a discussion about the musicians. What I don't understand is that, if they hate the discussions about "category 3 and 4 material" so much, why don't they create their own bloody threads?!
Because that would not be fun. No trolling...
Yep..I am beginning to think this, too,,,its all forums trolling and baiting, Not good. They are abusing this message board for this thinks.
Thanks to Ernst Joergensen, Roger Semon and Erik Rasmussen for the great work. Keep the spirit alive !
a mess of polk salad wrote:Have we got a FTD version of the album?
Really? Well, yes we do. An earlier, single disc FTD. I assume it would have been two discs if it had come out later. Wouldn't have minded some more takes of Sand Castles.
I must have it somewhere but it can't be that good because I never play it. Like the movie though...
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Most pepple in the Elvis world do not play this album often because, save for a couple of songs, it is crap and thats a fact, though MikeFromHolland will tell you that a fact is only a opinion. lol
Polk is thanking you for expressing that you still don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion instead of showing pitty? FECC has gone really crazy now. I feel like Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
Because in the Land of Delusion there are no facts only opinions. 1+1=2 Fact; nope just an opinion. Earth revolves around Sun Fact? Nope; just an opinion too. NYC on east coast of the USA.Fact- well if yoi are standing on your head looking at it in a mirror at noon on the 3rd Sat of June it isn't. Welcome to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
Juan Luis wrote:Elvis' at his worst, was much, much, better... in my opinion!
Don't get me wrong, I think both album and film are stinkers, but the thread wasn't created to discuss the worth of the album but the talent that was wasted on it. And a point of that was made not once, but twice, in the opening post. And yet the same old people then come along and turn it into a bashing session about the record instead of a discussion about the musicians. What I don't understand is that, if they hate the discussions about "category 3 and 4 material" so much, why don't they create their own bloody threads?!
Think it went over their haeds again. Just like the definitions given. One should seriously wonder why they are on this board anyway. Even our one and only once so highly regarded drjohncarpenter is contributing only to this thread by thanking someone who makes a rediculous remark about fact = opinion. Ignoring the definitions about both. That's what scholarship turned in to. This place became a madhouse filled with ignorant trolls.
Let's get back on topic. Do you think those musicians were at the same boat as Elvis? Experiencing a (relatively) lower point in their carreers?
poormadpeter2 wrote:
Don't get me wrong, I think both album and film are stinkers
Is it a fact that the album and the film are stinkers or is it just an opinion?
Opinion. Now let's get back on topic, please. you might start with reading the OP. Thank you.
Its a fact that the album and film is crap!
I agree with your assessment, still it's an opinion.
Now, is this an opinion or a fact: your contributions to this forum are crap.
Its not an opinion, the fact is its crap. Thats why the film and soundtrack was poorly recieved and its not one of Elvis' most memorable contributions of work - why? Answer - because it is crap, fact.
My contributions on this forum are valid as much as yours and thats a fact not an opinion.
poormadpeter2 wrote:
Don't get me wrong, I think both album and film are stinkers
Is it a fact that the album and the film are stinkers or is it just an opinion?
Opinion. Now let's get back on topic, please. you might start with reading the OP. Thank you.
Its a fact that the album and film is crap!
I agree with your assessment, still it's an opinion.
Now, is this an opinion or a fact: your contributions to this forum are crap.
Its not an opinion, the fact is its crap. Thats why the film and soundtrack was poorly recieved and its not one of Elvis' most memorable contributions of work - why? Answer - because it is crap, fact.
My contributions on this forum are valid as much as yours and thats a fact not an opinion.
One of the definitions of "valid" is Producing the desired results. Don't know what results you desire with your contributions, so it's useless to give my opinion about that. That's the reason why I didn't put the word "valid" in my question.
Please, try answering this simple question again:
Opinion or a fact: your contributions to this forum are crap.
To help you a bit:
crap 1 (krăp) Vulgar Slang
1. Excrement.
2. An act of defecating.
3. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language.
4. Cheap or shoddy material.
5. Miscellaneous or disorganized items; clutter. 6. Insolent talk or behavior.
in·so·lent (ĭn′sə-lənt)
1. Audaciously rude or disrespectful; impertinent or impudent.
poormadpeter2 wrote:
Don't get me wrong, I think both album and film are stinkers
Is it a fact that the album and the film are stinkers or is it just an opinion?
Opinion. Now let's get back on topic, please. you might start with reading the OP. Thank you.
Its a fact that the album and film is crap!
I agree with your assessment, still it's an opinion.
Now, is this an opinion or a fact: your contributions to this forum are crap.
Its not an opinion, the fact is its crap. Thats why the film and soundtrack was poorly recieved and its not one of Elvis' most memorable contributions of work - why? Answer - because it is crap, fact.
My contributions on this forum are valid as much as yours and thats a fact not an opinion.
One of the definitions of "valid" is Producing the desired results. Don't know what results you desire with your contributions, so it's useless to give my opinion about that. That's the reason why I didn't put the word "valid" in my question.
Please, try answering this simple question again:
Opinion or a fact: your contributions to this forum are crap.
To help you a bit:
crap 1 (krăp) Vulgar Slang
1. Excrement.
2. An act of defecating.
3. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language.
4. Cheap or shoddy material.
5. Miscellaneous or disorganized items; clutter. 6. Insolent talk or behavior.
in·so·lent (ĭn′sə-lənt)
1. Audaciously rude or disrespectful; impertinent or impudent.
You have stated elsewhere that English is not your native tongue, this is certainly quite clear in your responses. My contributions to this thread are valid and i'm allowed to express my opinion or facts from the historical record, you however, seem to have trouble understanding what i say, and not just me, but others, too. So therefore calling my contributions crap and not valid is more rude and insulting then me giving an opinion on a subject. So your post on the meaning of crap i think you should read it.
Whenever a thread is started about one of Elvis' mediocre songs or film its inevitable that the conversation will eventually lead to the discussion of how good or bad the movie or song is, and rightly so too, because it desrves to be critized for what it is, regardless of the quality of the musicians involved. Its just one of those things.