After my devastating, accurate and thorough reply to your previous, rudely-worded queries, the proper response is to eat some humble pie.poormadpeter2 wrote:And the ...
I'll re-post it, and you can try again.
If you do not seek further enlightened discussion, just do what you did the first time.
drjohncarpenter wrote:I have no idea. But what I wrote is past-their-sell-date holiday fodder.poormadpeter2 wrote:I'm kind of wondering at what point a carol becomes "past its sell by date?"
And by that I mean songs that have been recorded ad infinitum by every pop and rock act that dipped their toes into the Christmas retail market.
Taking a look at one of my examples, "The First Noel," it was touched by scores of acts before Elvis taped it in 1971: from Frank Sinatra to Patti Page to Nat "King" Cole, from Connie Francis to Pat Boone to your beloved Ella Fitzgerald, from the Everly Brothers to Anita Bryant to Jackie WIlson to ... to ... even the frickin' Brady Bunch.
Chips knew about the Christmas retail market, and that's why I singled out those 1971 Elvis holiday tunes as ones he would have vetoed.
But wait.
Come to think of it, maybe Elvis ... or Fel-tone Jarvis had that Brady Bunch LP spinning at Christmastime 1970!
Brady Bunch "O Come, All Ye Faithful" Merry Christmas from The Brady Bunch (Paramount PAS 5026, November 7, 1970)
Brady Bunch "The First Noel" Merry Christmas from The Brady Bunch (Paramount PAS 5026, November 7, 1970)
Lead vocal: Bobby Brady (Mike Lookinland)!
Brady Bunch "Silver Bells" Merry Christmas from The Brady Bunch (Paramount PAS 5026, November 7, 1970)
Man, that Bobby Brady had some pipes.