Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

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Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by drjohncarpenter »

In a previous topic, and with the help of some of the great members of this forum, most of the musicians backing Elvis on dynamic live performances of his new RCA single -- "Fame And Fortune" and "Stuck On You" -- were identified!


Sinatra Show - March 1960 -> Name The Band!

Now, may we dare to ascertain the names of the acoustic and electric bass players?

Presley Nashville session pro Bob Moore confirms he did NOT go to Miami for the taping. And it's not Joe Comfort, from the Nelson Riddle Orchestra, on either bass.

If there's a will, there's a way!


Elvis Presley: vocals
Jordanaires (off camera): backing vocals, hand claps
Scotty Moore: electric guitar
unknown: acoustic bass
Stan Musick: electric bass
D. J. Fontana: drums
Anselmo Sacasas : piano *

* = Fontainebleau Hotel music director

UPDATE: April 2009
As per a new post below, Stan Musick has been identified as the electric bass player. One down, one to go!

UPDATE: April 2015
A newly-surfaced rehearsal photo gives us our first full shot of the mysterious acoustic bass player's face:

600326_rehearsal Fame and Fortune 04.jpg
600326_rehearsal Fame and Fortune 04 DETAIL.jpg

He has somewhat haunting eyes, and sallow cheeks. Who is this man? It's been almost 55 years since the Sinatra program was broadcast, and we still don't know. Anyone?

UPDATE: November 2017
Thanks to FECC member Greybeard finding a remarkable 1964 TV clip featuring several of the Nashville A Team, another possibility is upon us:

641105_Jimmy Dean Show_01.jpg
Could the mysterious acoustic bass player be Ray Edenton? See new comments on page 4!
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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by drjohncarpenter »

How we found Anselmo ->
George Smith wrote:Is this of any interest:

"Pianist/ arranger/ composer Anselmo Sacasas (b 23 Nov. '12, Manzanillo, Oriente province, Cuba).

Anselmo Sacasas was a Cuban pianist who, in 1937 along with vocalist Miguelito Valdés, founded the Casino de la Playa Orchestra which became one of Cuba's most highly regarded bands.

Despite the band's success, Sacasas was unhappy during his three year association with it. The band was organized as a cooperative and Sacasas felt that he was poorly compensated for the amount of time and work he devoted to it. In 1940, he and Valdés left the band and came to the United States. Valdés accepted a position with the Xavier Cugat band and eventually went on to a very successful solo career.

Sacasas formed a new band which opened at the Colony Club in Chicago. He continued to lead Latin style bands throughout the '40s and '50s. In 1959 he became the music director at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami and, in 1963, the music director at the Club Tropicoro at the El San Juan Hotel & Casino in Puerto Rico. He retired from the music business in 1976."

It's maybe something of a long shot ...
drjohncarpenter wrote:
George Smith wrote:Here's a pic of the gentleman.

Other websites indicate he took up the Miami job from 1953.
George, I am almost afraid to say you've cracked the mystery -- but you may just have done so!

Let's compare as best we can ->


The body type and hairline are a match!

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players

Post by drjohncarpenter »

Here's a better copy of his portrait ->
Anselmo Sacasas, circa 1953

A 2001 Sacasas interview is here, but it only focuses on his Cuban music history ->

OK, now let's go find those bass players!
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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by Rich_TCB »

That seems kinda strange to use both an acoustic & electric bass at the same time? I'll be damn . . .



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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by TCB TED »

Here's hoping lightning can strike twice.
I'll watch over at the Sinatra forum and post any results.


I love this picture from Nancy's opening night party in Vegas, 1969.
More pics here:


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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by ColinB »

TCB TED wrote:Image
Elvis: "You shagged a girl called Ginger, didn't you ?"
Fred: "Yes ! And so will you, so will you !"

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by TCB TED »

ColinB wrote:
TCB TED wrote:Image
Joe Esposito: "Why is everyone ignoring me. This is my party, dammit, I'm
Diamond Joe Esposito!!!"

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by JamesVRoy »

I just got off the phone with Del Puschert and that lead is pretty much dead. He has no recollection of anyone.

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by drjohncarpenter »

JamesVRoy wrote:I just got off the phone with Del Puschert and that lead is pretty much dead. He has no recollection of anyone.
Any chance you can run the name Anselmo Sacasas and his position as musical director of the hotel by Scotty? They had to have done at least ONE rehearsal together.

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by drjohncarpenter »

James -- did you ever ask Scotty about this guy by name?

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by JamesVRoy »

No, I didn't see that post until now. I doubt Scotty will have any recollection of it though, especially a trip like that. it would've been a blur to him. He doesn't even remember Del.

I can try sending him the pix tomorrow though and see if it jogs anything. I may have asked before though.

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by JamesVRoy »

Just heard from Scotty and Gail now. As suspected he doesn't remember any of the players other tan their own group but believes the local union would have contracts and suggest that avenue for names. (I emailed them when we first started this last year and never heard anything). He said they only played on and off during the show and had little to do with the Elvis stuff. They had a copy of Joe Tunzi's book sessions 2 on hand and quoted the name of Joe Comfort on bass and Bill Miller on piano as members of Nelson Riddle's band but I think we ruled them out in the other thread.
Sorry, but I think that lead's exhausted.
Its funny though cause as usual he said if he had thought they would've been famous he would've taken notes. I told him he should have had a camera. He said DJ did at one point and there are a lot of photos of his circulating that he never got/gets credit for (none from the Sinatra show).

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by drjohncarpenter »

Yes, neither Comfort nor Miller are those musicians, the Sessions II book is incorrect.

Thanks a lot for asking Scotty, though. That is greatly appreciated. I have also tried the union route, to no avail.

There are a few more leads I am pursuing -- stay tuned.

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by General Sarnoff »

Looks like we may have some unexpected activity on this:

And apparently, Joe Comfort **was** one of the bass players!

Anyone want to contact this fellow?


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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by JamesVRoy »

General Sarnoff wrote:Looks like we may have some unexpected activity on this:

And apparently, Joe Comfort **was** one of the bass players!

Anyone want to contact this fellow?

Cool, Stan something. I clicked on the profile for him but it was a dead link.

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by General Sarnoff »

The name appears to be Stan Musick, but I'm attempting to verify that...


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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by JamesVRoy »

General Sarnoff wrote:The name appears to be Stan Musick, but I'm attempting to verify that...

I pm'd TCB-Ted who's a member there and started the quest on their forum. See if he can make contact, bring him here, whatever.

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by drjohncarpenter »

Great update. Some points to make -->

IIRC, Joe Comfort was an African-American musician; we do not see any on the 1960 Presley kinescope.

Note that the full post from bass player Stan Musick on the Sinatra Family forum that General Sarnoff linked indicates Joe Comfort ** did not play ** with Elvis. Take another look.
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Frank Sinatra Timex Show/Welcome Home Elvis (1960)

Hello everyone,
While doing a search for a bass player name Joe Comfort, Google took me to this site. It was a pleasant surprise and I have some info that may be pertinent to some of the members.

First of all, I was the fender bass player on the Frank Sinatra Timex Show and I noticed one message that was asking who the bass players were on that show.

First of all, Joe Comfort WAS the bass player with Nelson Riddle's Orchestra . But there was another group that Elvis used and I was part of that smaller group of musicians.

Incidentally, I still have my checkstub for that TV show. The only checkstubs I ever saved was that one and also for a Jackie Gleason Show that I played on when his show originated in Miami. I would be happy to share any info with anyone who is interested.

If we can contact Stan, we may learn the final musician's name, after 49 years!!!

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by General Sarnoff »

Ah-- I misunderstood what I read-- thanks for highlighting the relevant passage, Doc. (I guess it helps to read it the way the author intended!)

And now we've got a shot at finding out who Stan's on-screen partner was...!


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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by JamesVRoy »

General Sarnoff wrote:Ah-- I misunderstood what I read-- thanks for highlighting the relevant passage, Doc. (I guess it helps to read it the way the author intended!)

And now we've got a shot at finding out who Stan's on-screen partner was...!

odd, I read it right when I read his account but misread your misinterpretation. I took the liberty of registering there, or strated to anyway in the event that TCB Ted doesn't get the messages.

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by drjohncarpenter »

TCB TED has been updated and will hopefully get more info.

Or maybe we can get Stan Musick to register over here!!

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by JamesVRoy »

Stan replied in the Sinatr forum and I've emailed him a link to this thread telling him there are people here that would love to hear his recollections. Unfortunately he does not recall the name of the other bass player.
Joe Comfort was the bass player with Nelson Riddle but the photos shown were from the band that Scotty Moore hired for the session. I'm sorry to say that I don't remember the name of the upright bass player next to me in the photo. He is a white man and Joe Comfort was a black man. Perhaps Scotty Moore would know the name of the white upright bass player. Elvis stayed at a penthouse in the Fountainbleu Hotel and since I was a new addition he asked me to come up and say hello. I spent an hour or so with him and he turned out to be a gentleman and a really likable young man. Since he just got out of the service, he had a tendency to call every male, "sir" and I reminded him that he was no longer in the service and he laughed really hard. I have fond memories of that show and I would be happy to share any info with this forum.

I omiited the line with his email because I don't like broadcasting those even though he did. Its easily obtainable from the Sinatra forum page if needed.

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by JamesVRoy »

I've since heard a couple more times from Stan and thought I'd share this.
It's so nice to hear from you. I would be happy to join your website, but I'm not sure if you realize that the Elvis Band was put together just for this show, so my experience with Elvis only pertains to this show. As I recall [and it's a long time ago], nobody on the band seemed to be familiar with the other musicians. Because I was playing for Elvis for the first time, he did invite me up to the Fountainebleau Hotel penthouse where he was staying to discuss his music and I had a wonderful time with him. When I told him that I played bass on a USO Tour in Germany and that we appeared at his Army Base where he was stationed, he actually remembered the show.
As a local musician, I played bass on many different occasions in the Fountainebleau Hotel. I remember playing in the La Ronde room with a large orchestra for Eddie Fischer when he was on top of his career. Also, I remember playing [at the Fountainebleau] with an orchestra from New York [can't remember the name] as a tribute to Eleanor Roosevelt [she was still alive at that time]. This is where I met Joe Comfort, the bass player with Nelson Riddle's orchestra. I believe it was the night before the Timex show and he came up to me and remarked how he liked the way my upright bass sounded. He then proceeded to tell me that he wasn't allowed to bring his upright bass [from California] and he had rented a plywood upright bass from Ace Music here in Miami. He wasn't happy with the plywood bass so I said he could use my upright bass for the Timex Show. That's how we became friends.

My last name is spelled Musick and it actually happens to be my real name. In 1972 I was musical director at the Playboy Plaza Hotel in Miami Beach and I remember having 32 musicians for Tony Bennett and my orchestra also played for Liza Minelli, Sammy Davis, Diahann Carroll, Mitzi Gaynor and others. I'm now 80 years old and am lucky enough to still be healthy.

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by drjohncarpenter »

WOW! What a fantastic update!!

How lucky we are that Stan Musick is healthy at the age of 80, and more than comfortable with the internet. He sounds like a great guy to boot. If anyone can convey to him how deeply I appreciate his input, that would be wonderful.

James -- maybe you can ask Scotty again about this band, since Stan clearly says that Moore was the one who put the group together for the broadcast.

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Re: Sinatra Timex Show - March 1960 -> Name The Bass Players!

Post by Greybeard »

First off let me say this is an excellent thread and some super slueth work has been done to fill in some blank details on this event. It is one of several threads that make this forum so special. Kudos to all.

Now a question-

Since Scotty was responsible for getting the group together, what are the chances that the same bass player that appeared at the Memphis Charity shows was used?

According to another thread about those shows Doc listed the musicians and this bass players name appears
Bob Alexius - stand-up bass

judging from the photos in both threads there is a chance it may be the same man. Do we have other photos to show the bass player at both gigs more clearly?

Reading the other thread got me wondering........

