German Guitar Man --> Elvis at home, 1958-1959!

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Re: German Guitar Man --> Elvis at home, 1958-1959!

Post by Kullervo »

Nice topic and information. I have a small story to share about the "German Guitar Man", albeit a little off-topic perhaps, so excuse me for that.

Anyway, our family had an American friend who was visiting us in Finland sometime in the 80's. He worked for the CIA, and had served in the Vietnam war where he had destroyed a North Vietnamese tank with an anti-tank weapon. He saw the Elvis posters I had in my room and told that he served in the military in Germany at the same time as Elvis. One afternoon, when it was quiet in the barracks, he heard that someone was playing a guitar and singing upstairs. He went up to look and he found Elvis sitting there with a guitar. He said that Elvis was a nice guy. Naturally, I was very impressed with the story.