Antony Worrall Thompson jokes

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Antony Worrall Thompson jokes


Post by Delboy »

Antony Worrall Thompson stole some cheddar? How dairy!

I went to see Ready Steady Cook the other day. It was fantastic. Antony Worrall Thompson stole the show.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it was stuffed up Worrall Thompson's jacket.

Antony Worrall Thompson has been caught shoplifting milk, yeast and flour from his local Tesco. He's clearly run out of dough.

There's no such thing as a free lunch. Unless you're using the Worrall Thompson recipe book.

Antony Worrall Thompson stole some cheese and wine. And that was only for starters.

Wozza was caught stealing cheese from Tesco. He should have done it more Caerphilly.

I don't care what he's done, I'm still hanging on to my Antony Worrall Thompson blender. Better the Breville you know.

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